Chapter21~ Peter and Pan

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Were her eyes always this blue? Peter wondered. He knew they were but how could this be possible.... No! No I can't let her be a distraction. If Felix were to see- Peter let go of Fallon and got up from the log and took off toward the other side of camp.

Fallon sat frozen as the fog faded. But after the initial shock had settled in she followed. No she couldn't let him do this, not again. Peter was going to explain, tonight.


It took a while but Fallon found him sitting alone under a tree on a long forgotten trail. His head snapped up as he saw her approaching. Peter quickly adopted a indifferent attitude. She stopped in front of him her arms crossed over her chest, all most sassy? "What is going on Peter?" she asked him. He mentally flinched as his first name rolled off of her tongue. He liked it...

"I don't know what you are speaking about... Fallon" he stood before her "I'm not acting any different"

She stepped forward "Yes you are!" she shoved his chest lightly not wanting to pick a fight but still fired up enough not to care. "You- you keep looking at me weird with those green eyes, and y-you act like you care about me or something?!?!" she was done yelling her voice died down they were face to face inches away "Is it some kind of sick joke?" she asked defeated "Because if so... I don't know- I just" she was losing her ability to understand what was going on because there was that stupid fog caused by those dramatically beautiful green eyes.

Peter was feeling light headed Fallon's words had died right there on her lips... those lips like little flowers light and delicate contradicting her personality entirely... that fog... Were they leaning in? He couldn't tell but something was happening because suddenly he felt himself smash their lips together and he pulled her tightly into his chest and she was responding it was a kaleidoscope of feelings all colorful and wondrous and new, but familiar.

Fallon was shocked at his actions but even more shocked at the fact that she was enjoying every second of it. She'd only ever kissed one boy before and that was Bealfire years ago... it didn't work out and this certainly wouldn't but she didn't care she kissed back and her lack of experience didn't matter it felt natural, like coming home, but better.

The kiss ended and they pulled away panting. It wasn't foggy anymore as much as electric, like the whole situation felt right. Fallon, though scared was happy joyous even. It just somehow made since.

Peter's brain was clear but fear surged through him he loved her... he knew this and that could be their down fall. No this wouldn't workout well Felix was right. "Come here" Peter spoke gently. He pulled her head to rest on his chest and with a small wave of his hand she was out. Peter shifted Fallon in his arms to carry her bridal style and then swiftly moved down the path to an all too familiar hideout.


"Felix!" Peter shouted franticly as he came to a stop before the tree house. Felix had built it eons ago it was his alone place and Peter knew he'd be here.

There was some shuffling and Felix stuck his head out "yes?" his expression changed upon seeing Fallon "did something happen to her?"

"No!" Peter spoke frantically "I-I need your help" he admitted "I'm too far in to turn back... but" he looked down at Fallon.

Felix nodded in understanding this was a problem "come on up"


Fallon awoke the next morning in her bed but the piney smell of Peter still clung to her scenes. It hadn't been a dream. She hopped down from her bed the camp was lively but quiet everyone moved around in hushed whispers. Upon seeing her Sophia hurried over and Fallon bent down to her level and asked quietly "What's going on?"

"Henry cracked, today's the day" Sophia explained.

Fallon grinned this was wonderful Henry would save the island and the adults would leave. Then Peter and her could live together forever! She almost shuttered as the thought ended it sounded too perfect and too mushy for her. But regardless the idea (as mushy as it was) sounded appealing. "That's great"

Sophia nodded but became distracted as a lost boy motioned her over "sorry I've got to go help"

Fallon dismissed her and caught sight of Peter and Henry she hurried over "Peter!" he turned his face blank something was wrong.... "Peter?" she asked confused.

"What is it?" he asked very general like. He seemed impatient and unfeeling.

"Peter..." she laid her hand gently on his shoulder but he flinched back looking at her bewildered. "is something wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong" he spoke firmly "come along Henry" he continued and Henry followed cautiously clear confused over Fallon's distraught. Peter turned at the last second adding "you really should call me Pan" before heading off down the trail.

Like Father, Like Daughter ~Once Upon A Time~ [Completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن