Chp 6!

171 11 6

Calum's P.O.V:

I fudged up badly how did I manage to even what?
I'm so stupid! Like I'm possibly the most stupid person in the entire universe! Of course he cares! He always did care and I know that! I know that he cares I know that he is always there for me!!

I know that! I know.....
I groaned loudly pulling at my hair.

I looked at my wrists examine them thoroughly the bracelets littered up my arm literally showing my personality band bracelets such as ATL and rainbow bands in the mixture.

I sighed loudly.
You know when people say that when your upset or angry the only person that can make you happy is the person that was the cause of your unhappiness in the first place?
Yeh one of those moments...

I hovered my finger over Luke's contact name.
What do I say?
I know what I want to say but I can't say it...

Luke's P.O.V:

Well I....

Well if that wasn't a blunt round about way of coming out I don't know what is.

I literally told him by shouting at him,well done Luke well done..

The guilt is killing me, shouting at him he was feeling vulnerable and upset and I should know that Calum alone with his thoughts doesn't end up good,at all

I need to check on him. I pressed his caller I.D as it rung out I waited for an answer to be met by an answering machine.

"The number you have entered is no longer available, the pers...."

I hung up darting out of the room.
"Luke honey where are you..."
"Thought you to were?"
"Yeh" and I slammed the door,running down the street I turned to the left and sprinted up the path to house number 286.
I banged in the locked door.
"Ms.Hood!" I banged again.
"Luke what...?"
"Where's Calum?"
"In his room? I thought you two?"
"We're fighting yes " I finished for her stamping up the stairs.

"Calum?" I asked banging his bedroom door. I've learnt for experience do not open his door unless and emergency.

I banged again "Calum!"

I took a breath and opened the door to see him lying flat on the ground, by his bed. My heart raced and tears pricked at my eyes.
I knelt down beside him there wasn't any blood as far as I could see.

"Calum?" I asked shaking him "Cal?"
"Cal?" I said louder shaking him more, tears spilt down my cheeks "Cal!"

"Hmm...Luke what are you?"
"OMG you dick!" I shouted slapping him then putting my hand to my heart.
"Wow what?" He asked sitting up.

"I thought you I thought you were...
Omg" I said and began crying pulling him in to a hug.
He hugged back tightly.
"You know I'd never do that right ever"
"I know I..." I wiped my tears clearing my throat.
"It's just you were upset and I made it worse and...."
"It's okay L, I started it"

"So your not mad? I asked.
"No are you?"

"Why were you on the floor?" I questioned.
"Must of fell off my bed in my sleep." He shrugged.

"Omg...don't you ever fudging do that to me again...." I said let out a sigh of relief.
"Sorry..." He laughed.

I took both his hands in mine, I looked in to his eyes.
"I love you"
"I love you too"

Was that in a friendly way?
A relationship way?
Did Luke admit his romantic feelings for Calum or was he just trying to be a good friend?'
-Sarah X

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