Chp 2!

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Calum's P.O.V:

There is approximately 100 billion stars in the universe. Their all in clusters or beautiful galaxies all placed side by side.Even though we can not see them as they are millions of miles away.

Everyone has a star...theoretically speaking....Everyone has a person the lights up their world keeps them going and is always there for them even if there half way across the globe or in the next room.

It sounds unbelievably cheesy but I have a star and that's Luke...

"Cal?" "L?" "I'm meeting up with Ash and Mikey wana come? They asked if I wanted to invite you?" He smiled lying across my bed adjusting his head in my chest.

"Eh sure? Where? When?"
"Now...and Starbucks"

(Interesting fact NOT I've never been to Starbucks ever)

"Yeh okay.." I said sitting up slipping on my vans.

"Are you sure you don't have to come if you don't want too"
"No I do there nice" I smiled pulling him off the bed with me to the door.

In all honesty I was extremely jealous of Ashton and Michael they weren't invisible they were popular for being who they were being them selfs that's all I want to be.... My self....

When we hit Starbucks it was freezing I was rubbing my arms trying to keep them warm I should of brought a jacket.

"You cold?" "Freezing" I smile slightly "Yeh me too" he laughed running his hand up his arms as we opened the doors the hot air rushing out causing me to shiver slightly.

"Luke!" I heard a voice shout from behind us I turned around to see Ashton and Michael sitting at a table In the back of the room.

"Hey Ash,Mike" he smiled sitting down across from them "Hi" I smiled weakly.

"Hey Calum" they both smiled
"Oh my god! Luke so you know Leah in your geography class?"

"She's interested in Calum here"
"Wh-at?" I choked out looking up from my hands to meet his eyes
"Yeh" I looked over to Luke and we burst out laughing.

Leah Holland was one of the most popular girls in the school she knew everyone and everyone knew her.
She's dated nearly every boy in our year except me and Michael.Yeh she even dated Luke and Ashton at one point.

"What?" "Calum here is as straight as a b.." I put my hand over his mouth scolding him. He licked my hand I grimaced pulling my hand away.

"Lan-g-gauge" I said pointing to Luke.
I mentally cursed my self for stuttering

I'm not used to talking around people other than Luke,Mali or my parents and when I do it's either a teacher when I'm getting in trouble for not talking or students making fun of me making me talk.

"Wait so your gay?" Ashton said raising an eyebrow. I nodded sending him a smile "Oh cool so am I,so Luke and Mikey you two are the only two, not in to the D half and half" he smirked I blushed.

"Yeh..." Michael said awkwardly.
I gave him a questioning look causing him to look down at his hands.

But I didn't question it further.

"Cal do you want to get a drink or anything?" I nodded standing up Luke following up behind me. "Hot chocolate?" "Yeh" I smiled "2 hot chocolates please,yeh,no no marshmallows or cream thank you " He smiled I passed him my money he glared but took it.

"You don't need to be nervous you know " Luke smiled "They won't care what you say nor do,there not like other people Cal" he smiled slinging his hand over my shoulder.

"I know, it'll just take getting used too but I really like them" I smiled reassuringly.

"Good" he smiled grabbing the drinks off the counter walking back to the table I noticed Michael was no where to be seen I sat down pointing to where Michael had sat moments ago taking a sip of my hot chocolate.
"Bathroom" Ashton smiled.

After about 10 minutes Michael came back shooting me a smile.
I smiled back soon after we split in our separate ways my self and Luke heading back to my place.

My house was quiet small a 3 regular sized bedrooms,kitchen,bathroom and a living room that was really it.

It wasn't that special but Luke spent a lot of his time over here when he wasn't over at Michael or Ashton's he never seems to go home.

"You warmed up a bit Cal?" He asked as we jumped in to bed Luke laying to my left.
"I'm still a bit chilly..." I lied dramatically he chuckled "Cuddle?" I asked finally turning to face him. I could hear the smile in his voice

"Cuddles with cake" he muttered I wrapped my arms around him snuggling closer as he wrapped his arms around me protectively.

"Night Luke"
"Night Cal..." He said blowing hot air to my neck... I shivered..

This boy will be the death of me...

SORRY ITS SO S**T! IF YOU LIKED IT ! LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW ⬇️⬇️AND VOTE! PLEASE X LOVE YOU ALL. (I feel like I'm ending a YouTube video lol)
Sarah xx

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