Chp 5!

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So guys I found this amazing speech in a YouTube video! I picked a little from it and changed small little words because I thought it suited really well so all credits to the girl who made it I'll tell you when it starts and ends!!! It's the most amazing thing ever ! I'll leave it below!

Luke's P.O.V:

I know what he's thinking....
That's he's not good enough.
That's he can't talk because he'll say something wrong.....

He doesn't realise that his voice is the most amazing beautiful thing.
He doesn't understand how much it means to me that he talks to me.
I know he suffers extreme anxiety, I know he hates to talk to open his mouth in fear of making himself the centre of attention.

Being honest no matter what happens no matter what he says or doesn't say he will always be in my centre of attention.

It may sound creepy in a way....
Yeh it for sure sounds creepy...
Very stalker-ish actually...

Besides the point! I just want him to know how much he means to me how I couldn't live without him.....

Calum's P.O.V:

"Put two and together for ever we'll never change" I sung quietly to my self as I walked down the haunted halls of the school alone going to meet Luke by the Library.

"We could build a universe right here the world could disappear!" I sung again.

"Your voice is amazing " a voice said I turned jumping to see who was beside me. To see Jay standing there.
I froze, shooting him a great full smile as I went to step forward he stopped me again.

"Calum right?" I nodded
"I'm not sure how to do this..."
I raised my eyebrows questioning him.
"Would you like to maybe hang out later? You know like a date?"He blushed deeply.
My eyes widened and my mouth hung open.
"M-e-?" I croaked quietly "Yeh" he smiled widely his eyes widening in worry.

"Cal there you are!" I heard again from behind turning to see Luke. He kissed my cheek I winced a bit pulling away.
"Oh sorry I didn't mean to interrupt" he spoke.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't know! I'll go sorry!" Jay spoke quickly blushing deep red again, quickly waking the opposite direction.

"No I..." I spoke coming out in a whisper. I turned to Luke glaring.

How am I supposed to get over him if he unintentionally sabotages any chance I have about getting a date with anyone...

"He was in the middle of asking me out!" I said quietly "I think...."

"Oh shit really?! Sorry! I'll talk to him!"

"No Luke it's okay it was probably a joke anyway......"

"No Cal don't get sad on me now!"

"Well I'm sorry for being sad but you kinda ducked that up for me" I whined

"Come on you know I didn't mean too! And if he really does like you he will listen to you if you explain!"

"Yes because explaining will work so well for me!" I stated. I know I'm being rude he didn't mean it! It's just I don't know I just can't do it anymore....

"Cal......I'm so I really didn't mean it"He said sadly grabbing my hand.

"It's okay.." I said quietly pulling my hand from his grip looking up to meet his gaze.

"No Cal..."
"Luke stop it, It's fine leave it lets just go" I said walking ahead of him to the door.

He was right you know if he did like me he wouldn't if ran away like that! He would of asked at least......
No one cares about me....

"Stop it!" Luke shouted pulling me to a stop.
"What?"  I questioned
"What your doing right now! Your putting yourself down I can see it in your eyes! Your thinking no body likes you,nobody cares for you,nobody wants you! "

"Nobody does!"

"Am I a nobody!" He shouted. I went to speak up but he cut me off ,putting his hands in the air he began.

"You stand there and tell me that nobody wants you" He yelled taking a deep breath continuing
"But  I don't understand where your coming from.
I don't see where I became nobody.
In my eyes I'm somebody, I'm somebody important and my opinion matters! So when you tell me nobody wants you,that hurts because,
I don't see how you can't see that there is some one fighting for you everyday, right in front of you,because they care about you so if you can't hear me when I tell you that you matter!
Maybe you'll hear me now!"

" I am now no one so, don't say nobody wants you because I want you......" He said his voice shaking and tears in his eyes.
(Speech end)


"No Calum" and he then he walked away.

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