Chp 4!

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This is kind of depressing by the way! Just a smig!

Calum's P.O.V:

Friend is a strong word.......
Someone you trust,someone who trust you,somebody that makes you feel normal even though you couldn't be more weird.

The person or people you couldn't picture your life with out,that helped you when you couldn't help your self in the darkest of times they showed you life isn't all that bad......

"Cal!" Luke shouted I jumped putting my hand to my heart turning around in my chair to face him.

"Jeez Luke I didn't know you were behind me!" I exclaimed as the classroom began filling up with people.

"Sorry" he chuckled "Did you do the homework?" I nodded showing him the answer.
"How did you know what never mind I won't get it anyway"
He smiled jokingly.
I laughed loudly my voice echoing of the walls of the class room.

Everyone turned in shock.

"The mute laughs huh? I thought you couldn't speak?" A guy Shane spoke up.

"You douche him laughing has nothing to do with him speaking or not you idiot !" Luke retorted and the rest of the class sniggered. I gave him a grateful smile.

"Ignore them they don't deserve to be in your company!" He smiled putting his hand on my shoulder to comfort me I smiled back.

"So any plans for the weekend?"
I shrugged shaking my head no as the whispers and stares still circulated around the class room. He frowned a little, as not getting a verbal response. I turned around facing the board as the teacher came in rambling an apology for being late.

I usually always talk to Luke.When we first met I didn't talk much...
Not because I couldn't physically I just didn't need too...
What's the point in torturing people with my terrible voice? It's not like I say interesting things or even when I do speak I mess up, I say something stupid that gets me the centre of attention,which leads too laughing or stares and sitting alone in classes at the top of the class people skipping rows behind to get as far away as they can......

If I don't talk I can't mess up,make mistakes verbally,I won't get teased for the things I say or things I can't do.

You know what? Sometimes I think life would just be better with out me.....

I'm not needed... I'm in the way holding people back....
Holding Luke back...
He could be popular but he sticks with me and I don't know why....

Hope you liked it! Sorry I'll try update this more often and sorry it's a bit of a downer.
On a lighter note I've started a new fanfic which you may or may not have known about!
It's called YouTube and it's a Phanfic which is Dan Howell and Phill Lester! Go check it out!! X
Love you all thank you so much for all the reads!!

Sarah xx

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