But as I knew that I could no longer keep up with them as they got higher and higher, I ran back planning already what to do. Gather my men and find her.

I saw Legolas on his knees looking as if his soul just shattered, I trembled at that thought. I shook his shoulders and said "Legolas! We have to find her get up on your knees!" but it looked like he couldn't hear me, he was in the state of fading but he's fighting it. As I turned to run back to the entrance of the forest where stood King Thranduil with a crying Lady Eleanor in his arms, I felt terrible for not protecting Ana. but that's when King Thranduil shouted "Legolas!!"

I turned around and saw Legolas mounting his horse and dashing off where Ana was taken, he was gonna save her? Even though I knew that Legolas and Ana were suppose to get married they didn't which meant that there was still a chance for me. I can't lose Ana, I can't lose her again like I did before because she chose Legolas over me and I was not gonna let that happen again.

I quickly hand gestured my men to hurry on their horses and follow Legolas, I quickly mounted my horse and followed Legolas.

I'm coming Ana!

Anastasia's POV

My head hurt badly and so did my wrists.

But as I started to remember what happened my whole body trembled with fear and I gasped as I felt something heavy on my wrists, I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was in a dungeon chained to the wall and everything around me was dark. I knew I had been here for days but I don't exactly know how many days.

I tried to stand up but my legs were too weak, "HELP!" I shouted trying to see if anybody could hear me which I already knew that no one will but it was worth I try. I rested my head on the ground crying and sobbing. I should have not ran away from Legolas and Haldir.

Who was the person I wanted to be with right now?


I just couldn't lie to anyone even myself, I tried my best loving Legolas but it never worked. I tried to remember him but every time I tried to remember my head would hurt.

I never wanted to hurt Legolas, and never will but if I forced myself to love Legolas then I would be hurting myself and Haldir. I just simply can't do this anymore.

Suddenly a door opened and to my disappointment it wasn't someone to rescue me, I looked up to see two big ugly huge creatures. I gasped as I saw them, they quickly went to me and unchained me to drag me somewhere else. I struggled trying my best to get out their grip but they were too big for me.

I was then thrown to the ground harshly, I looked up to a man with no face. He was wearing a black cloak covering his whole body with some metal thing on his head covering his face but forming it,

"You remember me?" it hissed at me. "No." I said, it was true because I have no idea why they took me. The dark man boomed with a scary laughter making me tremble more. "I am the Witch King! You Killed me Once! Now I am BACK!" he boomed through the whole place.

"I don't remember anything! I'm sorry just please let me go." I begged but it just boomed with laughter again, tears were soon pouring from my eyes. "I shall have my revenge!" he said, at this moment I wish that when that whirl pool at the beach back on earth happened, I wished it killed me rather than ported me here to be torn between two great and handsome elves, to a witch king who seeks revenge, to a place that is not familiar to me, to my death that lies right in front of me.

Soon the witch King stood up and it was looming over me like a tall tree back in Mirkwood, I looked up to him and then he kicked me with his metal boots right in my stomach flipping me over to my other side, I screamed in pain clutching the place he kicked, curling up in a ball.

My face was facing the floor but soon I felt his cold metal armored hands grab a fist full of my hair and pulled me back to stare in his dark nothing face. "You shall die by my hands." he hissed and threw me hard on the ground, I screamed again in pain. The Witch king soon did a loud scream and the big ugly creatures formed a circle with me in the middle, the witch king picked me up harshly making the small spikes in his gloves piercing my skin as he threw me to one creature and they pushed me against each other like I was a play ball.

A few hours have passed and my dress was torn that I had to hold up the upper part to keep my body covered, my sleeves were gone, half of the dress at the bottom was torn and it came up to my knees and my knees were covered with bruises actually everywhere was covered with big cuts and nasty bruises. My knees and feet were weak. I was about to go crazy because for the passed few hours while they were throwing me around like a ball, all the witch king did was boomed with laughter.

Then the creatures right in front of the witch king caught me and threw me harshly towards the witch king and once I was about to crash on him he threw his hand back and slapped me with a loud echo. Due to his very fierce slap I fell back and onto the floor, I touched my cheek and it sting. I could tell it was a deep color of purple.

Tears still fell from my eyes almost unstoppable.

"Take your last breath foolish elleth." the witch king hissed, I looked up to see him with a sword above my head. I quickly looked down and closed my eyes waiting for the sword to end the pain and my life.

And you know who was the last person on my mind?


Stay tuned to read what happens next. Will Anya/Ana die? Why does she only say Legolas' name when she is in danger? WHAT WILL HAPPEN!?!?! Vote! Thanks for reading!!

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