Live While You're Young

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Guess who's updating less than a week from her last update...THIS GIRL!! Yeah!! Shocking right?? But I did it!! Yeah it's a little shorter than the chapters have been but thats because it's a CLIFF HANGER! As usual lol, but I really like this chapter! It actually would have been up about two days ago if I didn't accidentally delete it from my phone...I literally spent two days hacking and downloading different websites and torrents just to get my chapter back because I was NOT rewriting over 4,000 words. So if I hadn't gotten this chapter back my story probably would have ended right then and there XD so THANK GOD I got this chapter back! :) 

So in the end just enjoy this chapter!!! PLEASE!!! And thank you guys so much for always commenting and stuff! :) I absolutely love it!! :D everytime you guys comment its just fantastic and I can't believe that you guys would take the time off your day to comment!! THANK YOU!!! :)





After standing still for what felt like hours I scrambled out of the water and right over to Kimi. "What?" Kimi slumped down into the water and now I could how they were sitting. Harry had his arm wrapped around her waist rubbing her stomach, and I started to feel sick. My own stomach was tied into knots just looking at the young couple. My breathing picked up as well but Liam was standing behind me now. "Kimi you really think so?" She nodded, and my stomach flipped again.

Liam looked up at the sky shaking his head, "We are living in madness..."

"She hasn't been tested yet! She might not be we don't know for sure!" Roxi tried to lighten the mood but it just got shoved off when Kimi stood up walking over to her towel and sat down. "Kim.." Kimi's head shot up and she glared for a second but she just dropped her head again in defeat.

"I don't know what to do anymore."

Harry stood up and went over to comfort her, "Babe just be happy, that's all I want is for you to be happy."

Roxi nodded from in the hot tub, "Exactly! Having a baby isn't going to make you guys happy." Kimi's head dropped and she stared at her stomach, my eyes widened because Harry hasn't even responded yet.

" don't actually want a baby do you? You're 17." Liam started to ask but her and Harry had made eye contact, they agreed on whatever they were thinking. "Harry? You're 19..."

"I know Liam, I can count." Harry barked and Liam took a step back. "If Kimi is pregnant it's not a bad thing. Maybe it's just what we need to be able to start settling down."

"But Harry we are at the highlight of our careers!" Niall pointed out and I nodded. I jumped into the conversation. "We aren't going to get a chance to settle down for a while, years even! Having a baby isn't going to stop the fans!"

"And what about you Kimi? You think you can raise a baby by yourself while Harry's gone?" Roxi asked standing up to get out of the hot tub. Niall stayed in though while Roxi got her towel and walked over to Kimi, who was still staring at her stomach. "I didn't think so. If there is a baby in there; he or she is screwed."

 "Shut up Roxi. You don't understand! If we end up having a baby right now it's going to be complicated but we aren't going to let that hurt our child." Kimi explained and she looked right at Harry now. "If we have to be ready now, then we will be."

"If not?" Liam asked quietly.

"Then we will wait a few years." Harry smiled at Kimi who blushed. "Now or later we will love that baby with everything we have."

Stuck In The Dark (One Direction Fanfic) ****COMPLETED****Where stories live. Discover now