Break The Plans We Had Before

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Hey Guys! :) I was on vacation all of last week which is why this chapter wasnt out much much much earlier! I know im so full of excuses and stuff :( I'm sorry! (but while on vacation I saw a girl in a 5SOS (who wrote the song that the name of this chapter comes from!!) shirt and it MADE MY WEEK! lol)

BUT! In good news I've already started the next chapter!! :) It WILL be out quickly I swear on my life and if it's not then you can....I don't know what but it won't be good!!! I really hope you like this chapter! It takes a typical turn but then again since im winding down the story I figured its now or never :/

Well, I hope you guys enjoy this CHAPTER!! The next one will be out soon!



I ran right out the door after Kimi's brother, he was surprisingly fast but then again he did look really fit. "Matty!!" I yelled and he started to slow down while turning his head. He was breathing a little heavier but I was almost wheezing. I need to work out more; I chuckled to myself being catching up with Matty.

"Why did you run after me? I'm not your problem." Matty questioned crossing his arms. "I'm Kimi's problem, not that she cares."

"Matthew..." I sighed and he glared at me, full names in this family are seriously an issue. "Matty, sorry." I grumbled then continued to my point. "Matty you can't be upset about what Kimi did."

Matty scoffed, "Bullshit, why can't I?"

"Because this has nothing to do with you." I snapped and Matty took a step back and glared at me.

"If you didn't make my sister so happy I think I'd hate your guts." Matty crossed his arms again and started walking back towards the house. He paused and turned to me, "But since you do, and honestly I think she'd be dead without you. I’ll be nice, but that's the only reason curly haired freak." He barked at me and I rolled my eyes and walked back to the house but every so often Matty would turn and look at me, just waiting for a rebuttal but I would just roll my eyes and continue to walk. Yet when we reached the door he spoke again, "If she does this again and I find out you're behind it. You will be out of her life."

I finally sighed giving in to a response, "Matthew," flinch. "I love your sister so much, and I know you think you know who I am, from all the paparazzi and the tabloids but I'm not a womanizer, I've only ever love your sister since we've been together. I promise, whole heartedly that I would never purposely hurt your sister."

"See purposely! But you can hurt her!" Matty yelled stomping his foot, I heard a car door shut and saw Roxi walking towards us but I shook my head and sent her off.

"Everyone can hurt anyone. The paps hurt me every day and I've never met most of them. Or all the people that just hate me for no reason, the people I've never done anything too they hurt me and they hurt your sister too. All of these people out there are jealous and selfish because they aren't your sister, because they aren't as beautiful and sweet and sassy as her. They think that trying to point out her "flaws" are going to make me want them but it just proves to me that they are just the same type of scum on the earth as the paparazzi that make money off celebrities’ misery." As I spoke I saw Matty's face soften and seem to sweeten up to me so I smiled and finished what I was saying. "You've gotta support her okay? If she's ever down and I can't help her Matty promise me you'll be there for here okay?"

Matty smiled brighter at me and took my hand shaking it. "You've got a promise." He started laughing as he walked into the house. "I still think you're a curly haired freak, but I like ya."

Stuck In The Dark (One Direction Fanfic) ****COMPLETED****Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя