Your Beautiful Heart Of Gold

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Bonjour readers!! Soooo sorry how long it takes me to post chapters now-a-days but with fencing almost everyday and even on some weekends it takes up most of my life! Oh and this chapter would have been posted a while ago if I didn't get my laptop taken away =( THE BEST PART WAS IT WAS FOR SUCH A STUPID REASON UGH! Well besides that I have literally the best news ever, which you have all probably heard. HAYLOR WAS CONFIRMED OVER!! HELL YEAH! This literally made my life about twenty billion times better! Made my Christmas! Oh! How was all of you holidays!?? Did it go well? Telllll meeee! 

Mine was surprisingly well! I watched the Little Mermaid with my three year old cousin lol, not a christmas movie but you know? It works! Hahaha tell me what you think in the comments, (about the chapter!! <3) THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! <3

WORD COUNT: 4,054 words



Kimi’s face fell immediately, “Excuse me?” She asked hoping she had heard me wrong, her eyes went to Jerrica who wasn’t returning the stare, “You told him?!”

“Kimi it’s not like that!” Kimi threw her hands in the air stepping away from me.

“Of course!” She yelled and then laughed, “To think, I thought my life was hard enough right? Nope! Now Harry Styles knows I cut myself almost all of freshman year! Just fantastic!” Kimi walked in circles and frowned. “So I’m assuming you’re going to break up with me now…”

My eyes widened, “What are you talking about?”

Kimi sent me a weird look, “I don’t think you’d want to date someone crazy like me. That’s what everyone always ends up thinking.” She stepped a few steps closer to me but stopped herself. “You cut yourself? Oh! Crazy emo freak right there!”

“No one thinks that Kimi.” Jerrica frowned, and went to walk towards Kimi but she turned and glared at her.

“No one?” She scoffed and walked over to the chair in the corner of the room and sat down. I kept my eyes locked on her face trying to figure out what she is thinking. She can hide her emotions so well. Happiness, sadness and even anger she just puts on a fake face and can push past them! I don’t get it. Why doesn’t she trust me? “Everyone in the fandom would just on that if they knew! Hell I’m sure Harry is thinking it right now!”

“Kimi!” She turned to me. “I don’t think that, I will never think that, so why do you?” She blinked her eyes never moving from mine. “I love you Kimi, why can’t you see that? No matter what happened in the past because I love you for who you are right now.”

“And what happened back then is what made you into who you are today!” Jerrica finished my thought and Kimi stood up walking towards Jerrica.

“Sorry about snapping…again.” Jerrica started laughed and Kimi shrugged, “I’ve been such a bitch to you. I’m really sorry Jey.”

“Hey at least you didn’t run away.” Jerrica chuckled and I smiled seeing them hug and then Kimi turned back to me. “Hazza?”

“Yeah Kimi?” I almost blushed seeing her walk towards me, her sundress flowing behind her.

“Thank you for picking me.” She smiled and gave me a quick peck on the lips but I pulled her in for a longer kiss. She pulled away blushing, “What was that for?”

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