Every Goodbye

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Hi guys! I know this is so delayed and took so long to post, i've had fencing and everything its just tough. Sometimes I just hate everyone and everything. UGH MY LIFE IS SO HARD!! Sorry i'll end up ranting if i keep going. I won't but its okay because....

HAYLOR BROKE UP!!!!!! Lol this is my excuse for everything <3 fall up the stairs...its okay Haylor broke up lol. I hated that relationship with a burning fashion. UGHHHHHH lol well on with the story I guess.




“Kimi you can’t leave!” Harry exclaimed towards me and I just frowned, I knew that we would have to separate sooner or later but I was kind of hoping later.

“Haz,” I took his face in my hands and frowned even more, “I’d have to go home eventually.” He tried to look away from me but I held his face so I could keep our eyes locked, “Hey don’t get upset, we can still talk.”

“Kimi you don’t get it.” Harry frowned now pulling away from me.

I went to ask him what he meant but Niall answered for, “Harry is worried this will be just some type of summer love.” I blinked at him confused, “I think he really loves you Kimi.”

“I still don’t understand why you’re so upset.” I looked at Harry who was focusing on the ground, “Do you think this is going to be a summer fling?” He looked at him with such sad eyes, and he wasn’t himself but he nodded. My eyes widened, and Jerrica was looking at the floor as well, she can’t think that too, “Harry I would never let that happen; I care too much about you Hazza.” He looked at me smiling and I gave him a kiss on the cheek and looked towards Jerrica, “What’s wrong Jey?”

“I’m not ready to go back just yet.” Jerrica looked around at the three other people in the room. “How is Roxi going to react?” Jerrica was staring at me now, “You do realize that it’s going to kill her, you know how much she wants to stay here with Niall.”

My eyes went to Niall who was looking at floor shamefully, “It’s not your fault you’re in a famous boy band Niall, she will understand.” I then looked at Harry who was looking back at me, “You can come and visit me whenever you want. We have an extra room in the house.” I explained and Harry kept his eyes locked on me. “Harry what’s wrong? Why won’t you talk to me?”

“I don’t want to lose you Kimi! It’s too early; I don’t want to leave you yet.” Harry exclaimed and I frowned.

“Your tour starts in a week or so and I start school in two days Harry. We knew this was going to happen.” I tried to explain as calmly as I could but I could feel my tears starting to build up in my eyes. “I know…I’m not excited about leaving, this has been the best week of my life, and I don’t want to separate but we all knew this was going to happen.”

Jerrica frowned but before she could speak she was cut off by Liam, Zayn and Roxi walking in the door laughing. However, the laughter seized when they say the expressions on our faces, “Jey?” Zayn practically ran over to her and looked at her. “Are you alright? Why do you look like you’re going to cry?” I walked over to Harry and he hugged me tightly, I leaned my head on his chest, taking deep breaths. I could feel his heart beat from his chest and that’s what broke me. Tears started falling down my cheeks.

Stuck In The Dark (One Direction Fanfic) ****COMPLETED****Where stories live. Discover now