I moved my head away from his hand, which was now wrapping around my neck softly.. I could barely keep my eyes open.. I was so tired..

And then he squeezed, and my eyes snapped open again, the regret in his eyes was gone and replaced by something else.

"You have been... A very.. Very bad kitten." He growled, while I struggled to move away from him. I couldn't speak, protest.. Scream.. A handkerchief was wrapped tightly around my mouth, and all I could do was try and move my head back.

My feet were also both in chains..

Was he going to kill me?

His thumbs pressed tightly against my neck and all I could feel were the hot tears in my eyes that begged his to stop. And then his thumbs stopped, and I could finally catch a breath again.

My gaze fell to the dirty floors.. I was so exhausted.

His thumbs moved to the hem of the tightly wrapped handkerchief and pulled it down, making it fall down to my neck, and freeing my lips but I didn't make a sound.

What else could I say?

He waited for a few seconds.. Perhaps minutes for me to speak.. But got nothing in return. My eyes were glued to the floor.

"Have you got anything to say for yourself?" He asked with authority, and I felt the tears build in my eyes again. I wanted to go home and the fact that I failed at achieving that was a horrid blow.

I actually did have something to say, and when I looked up from the floor and into his eyes with rage I knew it wasn't something nice. "I hope you burn in hell you cruel, psychotic bastard!" I yelled at him, and he was stunned.

The groans stopped and we were joined by silence.

But that didn't last long, what followed was the splitting echoing sound of his hand meeting my cheek, and a surprised, pained whimper from myself.

"Would've though after what you've done you'd beg for your life or at least show a bit of respect." He angrily spat out.

"If your chances of leaving were slim before you can consider them done now." He spat, and turned to leave, but I wouldn't let him have the last word... Leave me here.

"You'll pay for this you fücking âsshole! God dammit I swear you'll pay!" I screamed, screwing around the chains that held me from running after his sorry ass.

But I could still hear him speak, I don't know to who, but all I was able to catch on was "Take her out of the chamber, and to my room." Before he left.

And the groans resumed.

• • •

It wasn't until after a few hours that I once again heard the sound of footsteps approaching. I had spent the whole time down there trying to free myself or.. I don't know, die, but the pain on my arms from holding them up so long had made me wish nothing but death itself.

I was expecting Harry to be the one who'd come along and visit, but I was strangely surprised to see it was one of his men. Particularly, the man who had tried to shoot me when I held Styles sort of hostage.. Peter or... Something like that.

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