Chapter 1

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I can't believe that I just did that. I broke down my walls and opened up to Deeks, I even cried. I'm tougher than this, I shouldn't react to questions about the Taliban' captivity. But I know that in the end we are all doing this for Hetty's sake.

I can't take it anymore sometimes, I feel like I can't always be the though girl. I trust Marty, I really do. I'm just afraid to break down my walls since what happened with my ex-fiancé Jack. I don't want Deeks to do the same thing.

I sit on my couch and thing about what happened last night. How could a dinner and movie be so simple yet send 100 different messages. If he wants a relationship, will I be able to open up to him and be honest to him?

A knock on the door interrupted my deep thoughts. I sit up straight and walk towards the door wondering who will be here at this hour. I look through the peek hole and see the familiar Shaggy-like hair. My heart immediately speeds up and I begin panicking.

"What is he doing here NOW?! It's not like I mind but my appearance it's pleasant at all!"

I take deep breathes and try to calm down. " I have to let him in. What partner would I be to let him stay outside."

I look in the mirror once more and smoothen my shirt again. I cautiously open the door and the instinct to grab a gun rushes through me but then I remind myself that it's Marty and there's nothing to be afraid of.

" Hi Kens. Sorry for not telling you I'm coming over. But I couldn't get this thing out if my head and I thought talking to you will help." He said. How could he be so honest all the time, I wish sometimes that I was like that.

" Sure, come right in." I said trying my best to smile.

We walked in the lounge and sat on my couch next to each other.

" Kensi I didn't want to tell you but I can't stop thinking about you or last night.I know that the chances are that you don't feel the same, but I'm going to say it anyways, I like you Kensi, a lot. I woke up this morning wishing every morning was the same as today's. I wish sometime that you would talk to someone if something is bothering you. You can talk to me or Callen or Sam or anyone as long as you don't keep every little detail about you to yourself. I'm ready to face every single challenge that dating you might have." I was astonished my his words. I knew that this was the moment that I could finally say something about my feelings , about last night but most importantly about my love for him.

" Marty I'm sorry that I'm being like this. I don't like the tough girl act either but is what keeps me going. What keeps me going everyday when I see your face and I instantly fall in love with it. But then I think about Jack and I'm afraid to o something. I just don't want to lose you , Deeks. Your one of the most important things to me in the world to me right now. I love you Marty." That was it the moment I admired the truth. There was no turning back now.

" I love you too Kens." As soon as he finished saying that I feel a pair of so flips on mine. We kiss for a while then pull away and rest our foreheads on each other's.

"Want a repeat of last night?" I instantly giggles and in what seemed like forever I genially smiled and laughed all night. 

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