Chapter 53

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 "The baby isn't mine." Adam repeats, he darts his head to Sofia every now and then to see her expressions. It still remained the same. Annoyance and a dash of irritation.

"You've said that like twenty times." 

"And each time I've said it I haven't once lied." 

Sofia scoffs. "How would I know. And why do you think its Zafir's out of everyone on this planet?" She asks him.

"Because it's is. What I don't understand is why you find it harder to believe that its his, but you don't bat an eye if it were mine. Why is that?" Adam asks her seriously. 

"Because Zafir isn't the type of person to be doing those certain things." Sofia defends him. "I mean seriously, I know for a fact that the baby isn't his. He doesn't even know who Maya is! And I know damn well he has never been to a club in his life. And you wanna know why, because he is a practicing muslim that has never been doing anything that is forbidden in Islam. He's sweet and caring, and would never hook up with anyone. Anyone! Zafir is just.." Sofia takes a deep breath. "He's a good person, okay. I know him, Adam. I really do."

Adam bores his eyes onto hers, clicking his tongue in disappointment. 


"Nothin'." Adam soon changes his single, and does a U-turn. 

"Wait, that's it? We're turning back?" Sofia watches the sharp line on his lips.

"Do you like Zafir or something, cause you really make it sound like it." He doesn't answer her question.

"Didn't you ask me that not too long ago?" Sofia squints her eyes at him. 

"Yeah. I did." Adam chuckles. "And now I'm asking it again."

She sighs tiredly, and turns to him to admit the truth. "I canceled it."

"Hm?" Adam looks at her confusingly. "Canceled what?" 

"Our marriage, I called the whole thing off. It wasn't even a thing to begin with but.. yeah. Zafir and I won't be getting married." 

Adam's eyes lit up, he felt relief washing over him, but he tried to keep his excitement low-key. He doesn't want to seem selfish for being happy with the news. 

"Really? When." Adam asks, a joyful tone was hinted in his voice. 


"Bummer." he says sarcastically, turning his face away from Sofia to smile to himself. 

Its honestly relieving that Sofia shares no feelings with Zafir. Cause if she did, if she had loved him... she would be devastated to know that he had slept with Maya. Now, Adam doesn't know a lot about Islam, but he sure as hell knows its a great sin to have sex before marriage. So why? If Zafir is all of the things Sofia had listed about him- why on earth would he have done that sin? 

Was it because he was lonely? Did he want the marriage soon as possible because he needed someone for his 'special' needs? 

Whatever the answer may be, it will never be enough to justify what Zafir did. 


"Its you again." Sofia darts her eyes to Yusuf who is now crossing his arms over his chest, and is glaring at Adam. Sofia didn't feel caught, or trapped when Yusuf spotted them. She felt relieved. Relived because her brother is here and not her mother. 

"Sofia go inside." Yusuf breaths after a brief moment of silence.

"What-" she says in confusion. 

"Go inside. Now." He turns to her. "I want to speak to Adam.. in private." 

Sofia turns to look at Adam. He sat inside his trunk with the window low. He gave a nod to me, indicating that he'll be fine. With one last gasp of cold air, Sofia heads home. 

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