Chapter 40

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"Well Tarik you may sit anywhere you like. Perhaps to the familiar faces you said you saw." Mr.Foley gives a polite smile.

Tarik nods facing my direction again. I cover my face hoping he didn't remember me.

But once I heard tapping near my right where Adam use to sit (but now he sits in the back with the cool kids) I knew it was Tarik standing before me.

I look up slowly and no surprise he still looked like the same Tarik in ninth grade. His hair was gelled back, and his teeth were brighter than ever. He grew five inches I think cause I don't remember him being this tall. His style is still the same. Plain
T-shirts and blue jeans.

Just by looking at him all my memories are starting to me down.

"Can I sit here?" Tarik ask giving a small smile.

I stare back at him wanting to say no. I even hoped Adam would pop out of nowhere and tell him off. But he didn't. Don't know why I expected him to.

But why does he have to sit right next to me, there's like five other open seats that are near no one.


I snap out of my thoughts and nod.

"Yeah, sure. You can sit here." I moved my note books off from the desk and placed them on mine.

Tarik sits down and turns to his book.

This is insane just earlier Ifrah and I started talking about Tarik and now look his here better than ever. I can tell why I use to have a crush on him. It was the small things about him really, the patient, kind hearted person that I remember he was- well thought he was. Now, I don't know.

He told me he would never go to this school anymore since he pulled my hijab down infront of the whole school, and that he would do anything to make me forgive him. But since popularity got the best of him who knows if his lying to me. I couldn't trust him anymore. So I told him to leave me alone and when he did, I guess I got more angry that he just walked out of my life. It wasn't the same without him here, and the day he moved out of my neighborhood that's when I had to come in terms that I'll never see him ever again.

Three years of not seeing him, not hearing about him. Not speaking to him. And look at what is happening now.

"Sofia right?" I feel my heart pound from the way he said my name. Just like our childhood he would pronounce my name differently from everyone else.

"Um. Yeah." I tense.

"It's been such a long time hasn't it." Tarik smiles.

"Not long enough." I whisper hoping he didn't hear me, but the way he was hiding his frown told me otherwise.

"Well I hope we do become friends again." Tarik smiles.

Why so you could humiliate me once again and walk out of my life for another three years?

I wanted to say but that would sound immature coming from me. And it would mean I care about him leaving, and I don't want him to think that.

He has no idea how much I want to leave in this exact moment.


"You knew!" I gasp loudly.

Ifrah guiltily looks down, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you guys would have the same advisory!"

I shake my head, wanting to grab my trey and smack her with it. It all makes sense now, that's why she brought him up earlier. She knew he would be back to school today.

"I'm sorry. He told me not to tell you okay.." Ifrah explains.

"You two still interact?" I ask surprised.

Ifrah nods slowly not knowing why I was so shocked.

Tarik kept in touch with Ifrah who he knew for only five years, but couldn't even give me a goodbye when he moved out of my neighborhood? Out of my life? We were practically best friends and yet he just left.

Of course I was mad but I deserve a goodbye. And than he just shows up out of nowhere thinking everything is fine and nothing has changed.

Everything has changed.

Ifrah snaps her fingers and I slowly low up from my milk carton.

"I'm sorry okay? I-" Ifrah begins but I cut her off.

"Why did he even come here?" I say bluntly.

Ifrah looks taken back from my question.

"Ifrah what is he doing here? Why did he come back?" I ask again.

"I sort of .. suggest that he should come back to Doyen highschool.." Ifrah nervously says.

I blink, wanting her to continue.

"Since we've kept in touch.. all these years-" Ifrah picks at her nails again.

"The thing is ... Tarik and I are-"

"What?" I snap, irritated on the constant stuttering and hesitation.

"We're married." Ifrah breaths deeply like weight has been lifted from her chest.

I widen my eyes, looking at her like she's grown a second head.


(Short chapter sorry for the SUPER late update, if you still read this please comment lovelies! Oh and vote!! <3)

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