Chapter 32

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It's been two days since the agrument I had with Adam. I was worried not seeing him the next day, but than once he missed another school day I was feeling more...calm I suppose.

Maya hasn't spoken to me at all, which is a blessing to me. She also stopped spreading rumors about Adam and I, well that's what Mira has told me.

I've been messaging Adam here and there. Hoping he'll at least open the message but he doesn't. Which only made me curious as to what he was doing. And who he was with. He hates his father so he must not be at his house. And he probably didn't go to work either...

Where could he be than? Adam doesn't have any friends that I know of. I would say Matt but there friendship wasn't a real one, plus it ended a long time ago. Is he hurt? Does my words affect him? I hope not.

Why do I care, isn't this what I wanted? Adam to not speak to me anymore. I should celebrating with Mira that the 'freak' is ignoring me. But I'm not, I feel guilty and helpless as to what to do.

I lay my head down the kitchen counter, hearing my mother sing lightly in a foreign language. It was very soothing, and made me quite sleepy. But I had a plan to meet up with Mira over the week end, and hang out. So I had to stay awake, and not smear the foundation off my face.

"Sofia, me and Abeera are leaving to Islamic Teachings, lock the door once you leave." My mother says standing by the front door with Abeera to her side.

"Okay." I lock the door once she left, and rest my head back onto the counter.

I shut my eyes, and drifted off to sleep, only to be woken up by a knock on the door. I was guessing it was Mira. So without asking who it was I open the door widely.

"A-Adam?" I stuttered confused to why he was here. And also shocked.

"A freak is all I am? A freak!" Adam says to himself not even noticing my existence, which confused me.

"What?" I move towards him, but he shoves me away and goes to the window. He looks down as he sits on the window. He was planning to jump.

"Adam stop!" I shout.

"That's all I am. That's all they think of me. A freak she said..." Adam trails off, and jumped off.


"Sofia?" Mira's voice startles me. I open my eyes widely and take a deep breath. A dream. It was all a dream.

"Audhu billahi minashaitanir rajeem." I say lightly spitting on my left shoulder three times.

Mira gives me a concerned look,"Nightmare?"

"Yeah." I stand up from the stool. "How'd you get in?" I ask yawning.

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