Chapter 47

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(didn't reread. Lots of errors) 

  "You could have at least warned me that your father would be here." Sameya says to Yusuf, who stands a good thirty feet away from the others. "This is honestly the worst time for him to even come here Yusuf."

"I know, believe me I know." Yusuf exhales sharply. "But when were we planning to tell Sofia?"

Sameya scoffs, "I don't know but not now! Today was suppose to be a blessed day, with you reuniting with us. Not Omar returning and making Sofia cry."

"I mean, in a way it's good she knows his alive."

"How?" Sameya sighs. "How on earth is it a good thing she knows her father is alive?"

"Well for starters, I don't have to lie to her face anymore." Yusuf says bluntly. 

Sameya's eyes soften,"Yes, I understand how hard it must have been for you to lie to her all these year,s but you must understand that-" 

"Mom." Sofia interrupts causing the two to jump. Sofia looks at them confusingly, "Everything okay? You two look like you saw a ghost."

Sameya laughs nervously. "Of course, what do you need?" 

Sofia looks out of it when she says, "Home, I want to go home."

The two look genuinely concern for Sofia, she has never sound so broken and hurt before.

 "Okay, were going right now. Will you be joining us Yusuf?" 

Yusuf shakes his head. "I have to drive Mariam back, and she'll be sharing Sofia's room, and I'll take the extra-" 

"What about Dad, I mean Omar." Sofia quickly corrects herself. "Where will he go. Not that I care about his safety but I want to make sure me and him are no where near each other." 

"Yeah, where will he go Yusuf?" Sameya always finds a way to pin this on her son. Yusuf sighs scratching the back of his head. 

"Uh, his sharing an apartment with our uncle." 

"What? So our uncle isn't gonna be joining us." Sofia says confused.

"I mean.. do you want dad to spend the week by himself?" 

"You call him dad?"

Silence. She turns on her heels, heading back to Abdul and them. 

"So what's taking them so long." Mariam says impatient, Sofia glares at her hating the sound of her voice. "What?" Mariam eyes Sofia up and down.

"Yusuf is going to drive you to our place." Sofia says,"So right now we should get going." Sofia grabs Abeera's hand and force her to follow her. 

Mariam heads to Yusuf and Sameya. "You're sister is rude." 


"Yeah her, but we'll only be here for one week." Mariam smiles, "than we can head back to our beautiful city." 

Yusuf gives an uneasy laugh. "Yeah.." Sameya follows Sofia quickly, since she knows for a fact Sofia would leave if she doesn't hurry up. 

"Who's room will I be staying at?" Mariam ask.


"What!? Why can't I thought I was just gonna  stay with you in your extra room?"

"My uncle Isaac is staying with me there." Yusuf explains to the immature girl. She whines through out the whole car ride back to Sameya's house.


"And we've finally made it." Abdul sighs as he enters the house, he glances at Sofia numerous times in the car to see if she was alright but she wasn't. Tears kept falling down, and when Abeera mentioned Omar it was like she was crying a river. 

Sofia takes her shoes off and basically runs upstairs exhausted and heart broken, hopefully everything was a dream and when she wakes up nothing she thought had happened, happen. 



      He sent messages after messages to Sofia, but she didn't read any of them. He wanted to call her badly, but felt like he would just annoy her with his problems. His been waiting to talk to Sofia about him converting to Islam. He feels it, his ready. It's been weeks since he has thought about converting but something he doesn't know what it is, makes him more confident in wanting to convert. But where is Sofia? He wants to tell her this news, but she doesn't seem to check her phone at all.

 Sighing to himself, he throws his phone on his phone. But it than rings. He walks over to his bed hoping that the caller ID would read Sofia on it. Looking at the familiar number, he picks up.

"Hello?" He speaks. 

"It's Maya, Adam I need to talk to you." her voice sounds broken. "It's important." 

Scratching the back of his head confusingly, he ask, "What's wrong? Did something happen." 

The other side of line goes quiet. "I-I went to the doctors. And they even said it's true." 

"What's true." 

"Adam." She cries through the line.

"What true Maya?!" Adam shouts, his heart is beating quickly. This cannot be happening.

"I'm pregnant Adam. I'm sure it's yours. I don't know what to-" He hangs up. His hands trembling as he tags angrily at his long hair. 

     He shakes his head repeatedly. This cannot be happening. When they did it, he had protection. There's no way this baby is his. He made sure he was wearing a condom. No, this doesn't- It isn't possible! How could she found out she's pregnant now? When the last and first time they ever did it was before school starter. What does this news say about his future? What will happen? Will this jeopardize him converting to islam? Ugh!

  What is happening! Everything was good a second ago. Maybe- maybe Maya's lying. What if she is just saying this to get with him? Ugh. He smacks himself for thinking so low of Maya, he knows she wouldn't do anything like that.

The phone rings, and it's obviously Maya calling him, but he can't. His heart is beating too fast, his hands are shaking. His breath is uneven. He can't even speak! He wants to throw up, he would do anything to go back and not do what he had done that night. 

  He needs to call someone, Sofia. He needs to speak to her. Why won't she pick up her phone? Adam is having the worst night of his life and she isn't picking up her phone?! 

"Adam? What's wrong? Oh my- you're shaking!" His mother wakes towards him, but he flinches back not wanting her anywhere near him right now. His mind is a blur, his stomach is turning, the room is spinning.

"Adam? Adam!" He runs out of his room, and to his car. He needs to speak to Sofia. He needs to tell Sofia. 

He needs Sofia.


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