Chapter 50

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Though her mind was practically spinning she forced herself to toughen up and try to get some rest. But how can she when she just realized that Abeera is her half sister? Does that change anything, will things be different now?

Hearing a soft knock at her door Sofia guessed it is Abeera since their the only ones in the house. "You can come in." Sofia doesn't want to be left alone with her feelings, and seeing Abeera will certainly help her mood even if it means she'll see her differently now.

The ten year old slowly enters the room and then shuts the door. Walking towards her older sister. Sofia pats her bed telling Abeera to sit and she does.

 "I heard you and Adam." Abeera mutters, looking at her thumbs. It was as if someone had set her room on fire, Sofia's eyes widen. She moves a bit to be more comfortable.

"I'm sorry- what did you .. I mean- what did you like.. hear?" 

Abeera lowers her eyes. "I heard everything. About me being Abdul's daughter, and only being half related to you."

  Sofia tries to form words but Abeera beats her to it. "No, really it's okay. I'm not saying this in a rude way, but at least I have a good relationship with a dad now. I've never thought I'll have one since I thought he had died. But Abdul- I mean Dad," she corrects herself, "and I are pretty nice friends. I kinda look up to him as a father anyway."

Sofia's eyes become watery as she tries to give a small laugh, but it turns into a sob. Abeera opens her arms for her, Sofia instantly hugs her tightly. "You have no idea how happy that makes me." She kisses her cheek.

Abeera smiles. "Can I sleep in your room. I know Mariam will be here but.. I don't want to be alone."

I don't to be alone too, Sofia thought.

She scoots over. "Of course." her smile widens. 

. . .

The sound of Mariam's whiney voice ruins Sofia's calm sleep. Sofia moves Abeera's arm off her back, and sits up on her bed. She glares at Mariam. 

Once she notices how bright outside looks she realizes that fajr has passed. 

"Why didn't you wake us up for fajr?" Sofia asked tiredly rubbing her eyes.

Mariam huffs. "You still do those things?"

 "What things? You mean pray?" Sofia blinks at her. 

Mariam chuckles, "Geez, it's the twenty-first century. Stop living in the past." 

"What's going on?" Abeera yawns. "Oh my god, did we miss fajr?" Abeera looks at the bright light that is from outside. 

Sofia ignores her younger sisters question, she looks at Mariam with an offended look. 

"Living in the past? " Sofia repeats her. "Excuse you, aren't you Muslim? Don't you pray?" She didn't want to sound rude, but the way Mariam spoke to her just seemed like she doesn't care about Islam.

Mariam waves her hands in the air. "Nonsense, I'm not oppressed and half minded like you people."   

Sofia's temper slowly rises. "Oppressed? I wear the hijab because I want to, but let me guess, if I were to be half naked that would mean I'm free?" Sofia mocks Mariam's logic. "Don't you sometimes wear it? The hijab I mean. Or are you a kafir?" she spits, saying it as an insult, but Mariam hardly bat an eye.

"More like an ex Muslim, but sure kafir works too." She grins at Sofia.

  Sofia's eyes widens, her jaw was basically touching the floor. Kafir? She's non-muslim? The news wouldn't have shocked her as much if Yusuf told her earlier. See, in islam it's okay for a brother to marry a non-muslim woman, but never have Sofia thought Yusuf of all people would do such a thing.

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