Chapter 12

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My classes went by quickly to my shock, I have only one assignment to do and that's for physical science, all I need is my mother signature and what not.

  I was heading to lunch, but made a quick stop to the bathroom, I was already late for lunch but I don't care, once I get back the line will get shorter.

There were barely anyone in the halls, the bell already rang, doors where closing in, it's empty and silent. I make a turn to the girls bathroom that was far but still close to the boy's bathroom. No one really uses these bathroom's in our school anymore, upstairs has a way cleaner one so usually people would go upstairs, but not me I guess. I use the nearest bathroom.

I enter the girls bathroom, fixing my messed up hijab, putting it back in place. I nod at myself, smiling, I look much more decent.

I leave the bathroom, walking back to the cafeteria slowly.

I stopped when I started hearing someone hissing, and grunting. I thought it might be two students doing some hardcore make out, but it wasn't. I know that voice. It's Adam's.

My heart began beating faster, his hurting himself again isn't he. I should just go back to the cafeteria and act like I'm not here right now.

"Fucked up piece of shit." Adam's voice echoed in the bathroom.

No, Sofia just leave, you can do it.

It was like I wasn't in control, my legs kept moving closer to the boy's bathroom, but my heart and mind kept telling me to run like the wind.

I hear the sound of him groaning in pain. Crap.

"Adam?" I stand outside of the bathroom. "Stop whatever you're doing." I tried gaining confidence.


"Because I care." The words slip out of my mouth.

I wanted Adam to say anything, anything but he doesn't.

"I care Adam." I repeat.

"You're just saying that."

"I'm not-"

"Plus it don't mean shit to me." He cuts me off.

"Yes it does." I say, like it's a fact.

I waited for an answer out of him, but he doesn't speak.

"Leave." Adam says low. I wanted to see his face more then ever, it was so awkward to just speake to him in the boy's bathroom, while I wait outside of it.

"No." I scoff.


"I already gave you an answer why Adam."

The stall opens, and he covers his wrist. "Are you gonna come in here?" Adam asks me. His stupid black hood and bangs covers his ocean colored eyes. Usually eyes tell you how much hurt a person is.

I cross my arms over my chest. "No. This is a boy's bathroom." I'm still surprise I actually had a short conversation with him.

"Look at this." He pulls up one of his selves. "My life's fucked up." I didn't like the words he uses.

I glance at his wrist then quickly looked away, I felt like I was going to barf. Several old and new cuts were on his wrist, it was the most scary thing to look at..

"Don't show me that." I look at the floor.

"Why not? You care right?" He says sarcastically.

What's with the attitude of his, when will he just show me how broken he is so I can find out which type of therapy he needs. 

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