Chapter 51

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   Adam holds the door for Sofia, she mumbles a thank you to him. Normally she would be jumpy since he held the door for her, but right now her mind is occupied by Zafir. She has already hurt his heart enough, if his in the cafe and sees Adam then she is screwed. 

"I'll order for us." Adam says as he walks her to an empty table. "What do you want?"

"French vanilla coffee." She replies.

He heads to the counter as she goes searching for any sign of Zafir. After looking around she takes a relieved sigh, his nowhere in sight which could means today isn't his work day. 

"Is everything okay?" Adam comes back holding their coffees and warm cookies, with melted chocolate inside on a trey. 

"Um yeah, why?" He sits across her. 

"You looked like you saw a ghost for a second." Adam looks at her with concern. 

Sofia thinks of a lie. "I left without telling my mom. Again." Which is true, she did, but she was lying because that was not why she had been nervous.

Adam nods his head, leaving the topic and going to a more important one. "I uh.. have something to tell you, Sofia." 

Sofia looks up from him as she sucks on the straw. She than stops and cuts him off. "Look, honestly I don't mind if Maya is carrying your child. It's totally fine with me, I won't end our friendship for a petty reason."

Adam's eyes widen, cause-- wow. Petty? The whole situation is far  from being petty, but Sofia is so understanding that's what shocks Adam the most. How could she be so understanding? He expected her to roll her eyes, yell, say a rude remark, but she doesn't.

"I.. I'm lost for words." Adam admits with a laugh. 

"I would be too." Sofia gives a light chuckle. "I hope you two discus about the baby though. Care for it, never neglect it." She goes further and Adam darts his eyes away from hers. 

"It's not mine." Adam breaths. 

Sofia's eyes  turns dark. "Don't be that guy.." 

"What guy?" He says confused. 

"The guy who gets a girl pregnant and than leaves her! Don't make that baby grow up wondering why his father didn't want to stay with him." Sofia's voice rises, causing people to stare at them.

Adam sighs. "I have proof."

"Proof." Sofia mocks.

"Yes, proof. The day when me and Maya... ya know did it, well it was before school starter. And its been three months how come her stomach still looks as flat as before."

Sofia rolls her eyes. "You idiot, that is common for pregnancy."

"It's not mine, I'm telling you Sofia you have to believe me. I'm clean."

"Than who's is it?"  Sofia hisses. "Do you honestly think so low of Maya? I mean I know we dislike each other but still. It's not like she spreads her legs to any guy she sees." 

"She does." Adam says calmly, as if it were a normal thing like breathing.

"She does?"

"I've went around to the club she goes to and--"

"She goes to clubs?" Sofia cuts him off. 

"Yes, I've asked--"

"Oh my god."

"Could you let me finish?"

"Sorry." Sofia drinks her coffee. 

"I've asked the bartender if they've seen a girl with red hair in the club, and get this he knows her name. He told me she goes in and out of the club almost daily. She meets up with guys, goes home with them. And then does it all over again." Sofia cringed as Adam was explaining. 

"So it really can't be yours." Sofia goes deep in thought.

"That's what I'm saying." Adam drinks his coffee.

"Wait.. hold up that doesn't make sense. Why would she go to you and tell you the baby is your child? You're not rich, you're not even middle classed." Sofia says the truth.

Adam's jaw tightens from her insult. "Well, have you thought that maybe she likes me."

"Still?" Sofia says amazes. 

"Yes still. And whats wrong with that?" Adam says harshly.

Sofia lowers her eyes. "Nothing." 

Adam scoffs. "She plans to tell everyone that it's mine. Sofia you have to do something."

"Me?" Sofia looks at him like his head was on fire. "This is no way my problem. You have to do this yourself--"


"I don't even like Maya. You know how much she hates me."

"Please." he begs.

"Adam, seriously."

"She looks up to you, I swear." 

Sofia laughs. "Okay now you're just talking crazy."

"She does! She's been with all the guys you've every talked to." Adam accidentally lets the words slip. Regret was written on his olive skin.

Sofia thought he was joking, but his expression tells her otherwise. "What?!" 

Everyone turned at the two once again. "Could you guys please be quiet. There's people--" Zafir trials off once he left his eyes from the back of Adams head. 


Adam turns his head behind him, eyeing Zafir up and down in disgust. Disgust for what he had done to Sofia, disgusted that he acts like it never happened. 

Zafir pretends that he and Maya never done it. When they have, and Adam knows his dirty secrete. His just afraid of how Sofia will react to it though.

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