Chapter 36

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Song for this chapter

I'll change my mind - One Direction

"You have't lost that craziness in you I see." Ifrah says as I walk her to her mother's car . Shire glares at me, eyeing me than at Ifrah. Probably comparing us once again like she always do.

"Nope." I say swaying on my heel back and forth. " I'll just walk around I guess."

"Shouldn't you at least tell your mother where you're going?" Ifrah says with a worried expression. She noticed that my personality hasn't really changed over the years. The only difference is that I feel more free  when saying whatever I want to say. But sometimes that isn't always a good thing.

"Um, it's okay. She's in there with Abdul. She wants to be happy I guess all I ever do is stress her out."

"That's not true."

"Yes it is." I mumble. "She basically said it herself."

"Not like that." Ifrah shakes her head. "You still think she loves Yusuf more than you don't you?" I didn't respond. The silence answered that question for me.

"You really haven't changed much." Ifrah lightly chuckles, trying to ease up the tension. "Just.. at least take a phone  with you. I don't understand how walking alone is a good idea Sofia."

It isn't a good idea, but if it means I won't have that shameful stare from my mom and that Abdul guy having the likes from everyone I know than I guess walking would be alright.

"Bye Sofia. I'm going to your  school this Monday."

"You better!" I tackle her with a hug. "Bye." Once I let go she walks to the red van and waves to me. The car  drives off and I slowly walk around the block. The trees are slowly turning orange and some are even falling. October is just around the corner.

Life is to fast, I remember not even knowing Abdul's existence! But now I have to since his married my mother. Even though I dislike Abdul very much I hope he does make my mother happy. The smile in her eyes when Abdul was telling us all a 'funny' story. She looked like she was in love all over again, and I hated that. I didn't want Abdul to be living with us. It's literally been less then twenty-four hours since Abdul's arrival and I already caused conflict with him. Of course my mother will be ignoring me once I come back home, but could you blame me?

Everything is happening to fast. It feels like the world is spinning and I'm the only one who's falling down. I wished I went with Ifrah and her mother, but I knew a glare when I saw one. I'm not an idiot. I take expressions seriously. It's the only way you'd truly now how someone is feeling. Clearly Shire didn't want me to come along with them.

That's the thing about me, I watch everything to closely. And I like to make plans ahead of time, but ever since I stopped it's like all hell broke lose.

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