‘’ No fuck you! You’re a hypocrite, just leave me alone’’ I screamed once again before storming out of the house running across the drive.

What was I supposed to do now? I can’t drive and we are over an hour away from home.

I walked over to the path outside my grandmother’s house and slumped down sitting on the curb. That’s when the tears started falling, I’ve been upset twice today over this mess, it’s my 18th birthday I should be out drinking with my friends or something now that I’m legal.

Honestly though it doesn’t seem as appealing now it’s not against the law.

I’d been sat outside for quite some time before I felt someone rest their hand on my shoulder

‘’ I told you to leave me alone’’ I mumbled wiping the tears from my face.

‘’ No you didn’t’’ a raspy voice replied.

‘’ Harry fuck off yeah, I can’t deal with you right now’’ I told him.

‘’ Come on its freezing let’s just go back inside’’ Harry held his hand out for me.

‘’ No I’m not going back in there’’ I shook my head.

‘’ Fine, I’ll take you home then’’ he sighed.

‘’ Ok, but this doesn’t mean I like you’’

‘’ Of course not you love me babe’’ he laughed dragging me up from the curb and towards his car.

‘’ No’’ I snapped.

‘’ calm down babe, just messing’’ he held the door open for me and mumbled a thanks before climbing in.

The drive was silent, this was a good thing because I really didn’t need his sarcastic comments.

When we pulled up outside my house I was relived and disappointed, it wasn’t that I didn’t want to leave Harry, believe me I did, but the car seemed safe and quite like a get away from it all.

‘’ Thank you for bringing me home’’ I smiled weakly

‘’ My pleasure babe’’ he teased

‘’Stop calling me that ‘’ I moaned

‘’ soon you’ll be mine so I can call you whatever you want’’

‘’ is there really no way out?’’ I asked

‘’ Nope, we have to look like we tried for a few years before we can get a divorce as well’’ he sighted running his hand through his mess of curls.

‘’ But by then you’ll probably be in love with me and begging me to stay’’ he winked 

‘’ You wish Styles’’ I said as I got out of the car.

‘’ See you later wifey’’ he shouted.

I just shook my head, he’s so annoying.

Once I got inside I threw my shoes off and went straight to my room, I stepped out of my dress dropping it on the floor and put on a pair of cotton shorts and an over-sized t-shirt.

I pulled my hair up into a messy bun and wiped off my makeup.

Climbing in to bed I quickly sent a text to Amy:

It’s actually happening, I don’t think I can get out of it either!

Harrys the most annoying stuck up guy you’ll ever meet.


Emma xxxx

I placed my phone back down on my bedside table and pulled the covers up settling down to go to sleep.

Just as I was falling asleep my phone buzzed assuming it was Amy I sat up to reply, it wasn’t Amy it was Harry?

Hey there babe,

Today was fun;) Got loads more to look forward to.

We’re shopping with my mum tomorrow afternoon, you know for our wedding!

You’ll love it, just like you love me ;)

Harry xo

Who does he think he is? How did he get my number?

How did you get my number?

I won’t be seeing you tomorrow, already have plans.

I hate you



Moments later my phone buzzed again, why can’t he just leave me alone to sleep.

I have my ways babe,

I’ll find you don’t worry. See you tomorrow

Get some sleep

Harry xo


I didn’t even bother replying to him I’m too tired. I just need to talk to Amy and try and sort something out.

Authors note ----- Thank you all so much for reading, I love you all.

Please vote and comment it means so much to me.

What did you think?

Who noticed my BSE reference?

I’m updating again later today

Love molly xxx

Forced to become Mrs Styles (A Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now