Chapter 20 Over the rainbow

Comincia dall'inizio

I gave her a small smile, thankful for the fact that she felt like she had to mention this to me. Not everyone would take what I just said nicely, but I was happy that at least some of the team wz handling the situation well.

"We can't help what kind of situation we get thrown in," Aulia said, giving me a smile that looked wise beyond her years. "All we can do is to deal with the situation as best as we can."

Looking out into the field, I realised that this was essentially what had been happening to me since the moment that Legre entered London Citybase. I looked out there and wondered for a second what fate awaits us, and I knew that we had to win this fight if I were to have any chance of finishing what Akram started.

"Launch!" All of a sudden Bradly's voice rung throughout the field, in conjunction with the crisp sound of glass shattering. My heart skipped a beat as everyone instinctively released the bombs from the catapult and it soared through the air, right over the wall and in front of the small army.

The sound of explosive echoed through my ears and I could feel the ground beneath me shaking due to the amount of bombs that just detonated. I craned my neck to see how it affected the enemies, but the smoke and dust the explosion caused were too dense for me to see anything.

Deciding to throw caution to wind once and for all, I took a deep breath and let my mind drift out to sense my surroundings. Now that the barrier is gone, my mind flitted past the wall easily and quickly. In milliseconds, I was getting a live feed from the battlefield.

Feeling through the small group at the front, I noted that they were all in a crouching position with their arms covering their faces to fend off the dust. Counting that there were twenty-three of them in total, from what I could tell from the initial scan none of them were anyone that I know.

Slightly relieved, I like my mind skirt past the group. I took another deep breath and fanned out my mind. I didn't know how far back the masses of people spread, or how surrounded we were, but my heart sank as I stretched my minds to its limits trying to follow the human ring around the campus.

There were hundreds of them surrounding us, and for a second I couldn't understand how they managed to mobilise so many people in such a short amount of time. Surely the UGE would notice all the people congregating around the Academy. But then I noticed one strange thing – most of them seemed to show up identical in my mind, as though they were the same person.

An absurd idea entered my mind, and as the dust cloud began to dissipate faster, I acted on my instinct and tried not to think about what I was about to do.

Gathering my mind together in one place, I plucked a spear off the floor from someone who had dropped it and aimed it at the figure who had the strongest aurora out of all the identical ones. As soon as the spear spiralled out of my mental grip, I pulled my mind back and cringed at what was about to come.

A scream pierced through the air and my heart tightened at the fact that I just threw a spear at someone. But just as I thought my hunch was incorrect, about two thirds of people that was on my radar flickered and disappeared altogether.

Revolution (Book 3 of POE Chronicles)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora