__*__ Chapter XXXIV : The Outside World __*__

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Princess Alexandria's POV


I sprinted across the dreary, dark corridor. One room was for archery, another for shooting ranges, sparring matches, physical fighting, and whatnot. Did ever it cross their mind their folly? What does fighting help? One's best weapon, is their mind. If they were to perhaps train them, to be more knowledgeable, perhaps this would better the training camp. Behind the weaponry, you need a plan, and to do such, you not only need experience, as well as brilliance. Book smarts, a knowledgable learning from the past, to even begin to not make the same mistakes. A classroom setting, I pondered upon why they had not thought of such, but didn't even begin to understand in the least. Yet still, I looked around, all I needed, was simple really.

But a breath of fresh, cool night air.

Now getting to that, on the other hand... Was less simple, by far. The fact of the matter, was that all doors, windows, to the outside, were locked. Nothing a couple bobby pins couldn't fix, of course, or better yet, a key. Far harder than it sounds. But the only person to know a solution was Headmaster Ryan. Not like I wanted anything having to do with him, about such a subject, to ever happen. But on my own, all I was bound to get, was a blasted alarm. Dratted, I most certainly wouldn't wish the punishment, either. I shivered, and as I tried to open the door, felt a pang of hunger at the pit of my stomach. But I couldn't, let me correct that, wouldn't, under any circumstances, eat their food. All I know, 'twas a little birdie, alias Sir Knight, once told me to never eat the food from a person I didn't know, nor trust. Many before me had died like such from poison and whatnot, and I wasn't about to test that theory of his. History, would not repeat itself. In the very least, not today.

Finally, at long last, a door opened, not priorly occupied by anyone. The room, was silent, dark... Spooky almost. That was the moment, when my eyes adjusted to the light, I spotted a small figure, in the corner of the room, and I jumped, for all of half a second, believing it a ghost.

" Who is it?! " I called out shakily, clearly on my guard, clinging to my heavy rapier.

Very much to my surprise, I hear only a familiar voice of a small girl, sounding just as afraid, as I was. She replies softly, "B-bonjour again, miss. What are y-you doing out and about? "

I slowly lower my blade, taking a deep breath of pure relief. "Ah, I see. It's just you.. Sapphire," I smile up at her kindly. "Why do they keep this place so very locked up? What are they trying to keep us from?"

" They wouldn't want us to escape, now would they?" She said simply. Granted, she had a fair point. " We need our proper training. A full one, to be prepared," She continued.

" But seriously! What are they even training us for? " I wouldn't even know that, for I hadn't stayed for any of the training lessons, in all my time here. "They can't possibly be kidnapping hundreds of children for no particular reason."

" Ah, I thought everyone knew what they're training us for. I stand corrected. Well, there's a rebellion planned to over take the Prussian's castle. By having an army of children, the youth, they can shape them how they wish, with their ideas, and we'll all bond and defend one another to the death, as we are one another's only true... " she pauses, looking almost troubled. " Family. You see, the crown has gone downhill, killing people without a fair trial, the Prussians, are just too afraid to take a stand against. So, rather, we shall do such for them. Think of it as a favour."

First thing that came to mind, was the word "brainwashed". I sat a moment in silence, considering her point of view, her perspective upon such matters. How long had it been since my leave from the castle? Days? Weeks? Years? Time, passed ever so slow and fast at the same time. She didn't look the sort to be telling me lies and for a second, I believed, that perhaps, against all odds and facts I knew... She was right. There was the slightest chance of it. Until, proven that I couldn't and shouldn't, I would believe her. Because everyone needs something, someone to believe in. I couldn't doubt the world. Nor doubt the impossible, for it could just as well, be possible. They killed, they murdered Lük. An innocent. Maybe, I just didn't know who to trust anymore. They very well could have killed others. Perhaps I was the one brainwashed, all because of one simple occurrence. One simple belief can change a life, one simple event, can leave a grudge, an anger, a regret so deep, to make one, even the most confident person doubt themselves.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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