__*__Chapter XIV__*__

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Princess Alexandria's POV


I dumped the water on the doorknob. The smoke burnt my lungs. Perhaps the others were right to doubt me. What was I doing?! I was walking right into a fire to save a boy. A boy that I knew nothing of... I took a deep breath.

I can do this...

I can do this... My hand goes to the door, and I see the whole door on fire. Then there was a man, and a boy. The boy looked like... Ivy. I paled. This must be her.. Twin. I could barely see, the smoke seared my eyes, the fire blazing against my skin, marking me. I take a deep breath, trying to relax, feel at peace with the elements. This was the key to my skill. If I could understand them, they could understand me, and so long as I mastered my feelings, emotions, among other things, show them who was the master. I knew they would never hurt me, or any innocent soul. Everybody and thing just needs to be acknowledged, feel like they were cared for. All I had to do was imagine what I needed them to do, and it would be done. But, most of all, as with all magics...

You have to believe.

But enough of that. I was basically, long story short, scared out of my mind. The flames, licked my skin, but had no effect this time. I first drag the man to the outside. Yeah. Like dragging a brick or anchor across a lake.

Have fun with that.

Once again, yet another man twice my size. Ah, 'the princess is so small... '

Blah, blah, blah...

I've heard that over and over again. Maybe, if you hear something enough, no matter how ridiculous...

It becomes reality. Or actually the first time perhaps, you approach the problem, or situation, from somebody else's eyes, rather than your own.

Then I run back in, to attend to the boy. I carry him in my arms, he isn't much bigger than I am, but fire and ashes scarred and charred his skin.

I realize that I am shaking, I fall to the ground, outside the house. I could deal with air, earth, water. And fire. But it was the smoke. The filthy air that would be the death of me. I feel... Lightheaded. But not lighthearted.

It is said, that one should live life without regrets.

I had done just that.

But as I tumble to the ground, with the boy landing atop, in my arms, I realize, there was good and bad from everything. A fire can tear apart ones heart, a village, and those few materialistic things, but even good from come from that.

A chance, to rebuild.

A chance, to plant a seed of hope.

A chance, to do the right without question.

But a chance never the less...

A chance.


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