__*__Chapter XXII__*__

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Skylar's POV


And how was I to get out of this one? A sticky situation, eh? You don't say. Trying to explain the princess, was about as easy as explaining why the sky is blue, the grass is green. Though she was already prepared...

An expert at improvisation. For some reason I got the feeling as though this wasn't the first time for her to be put on the spot.

She curtsies. Kisses my Mum's hand politely.

" Guten tag, miss. I am Princess Alexandria, princess of Prussia. How do you do?" Lexi smiles brightly up at her, her eyes today a dark green, sparkling.

" What are you doing here? You seem to know my son."

" Indeed, since we were quite young." She nods. Mother coughs deeply.

" Oh..." Mother lays back her head to the pillow with a slight nod.

I speak up. "Mum, regardless she is, she healed me. She needs to heal you." Lexi shoots me an odd look seemingly surprised.

" There is no cure for me..." Mum says quietly.

Lexi shakes her head. "I beg to differ mademoiselle. "

Mum narrows her eyes. "It's impossible. I'm to die any day now."

" Keep telling yourself that and you will. And don't doubt me or Skylie. Nothing is impossible. Everything in this world is possible, if you put your mind to it. Everybody has a purpose, and a reason to be on this earth. Madame. You still have a purpose in this world. As do I, Skylar, Teryn, and Ivy... Everybody does. "

I stare at her blankly. Mum looks completely stunned. I might look a tad astonished myself. Scratch that... I do look astonished.

" What? They're really very nice, actually... I saw them before I uh had to save Skye. " She shrugs and smiles modestly. Mum looks to me. I look off. My mind is blown. What she told us can't be true...

Then I here a knock at the door. I get up, peer out the window. There was Teryn. I pale... The first thing I ever learnt about the Princess was she never lies.

I clear my throat. "Lexia... You stay here and heal Mum. I'll deal with this." I pause. "Coincidence."

Lexi grins. I fold my arms. "Princess, quick now, what have you to say? What's so amusing?"

" There isn't such a thing as coincidences... " She is about to ramble on and on and I know it, but stop her with a chuckle.

" Lexie, you are so very interesting at times. You say that nothing is impossible and that there isn't any coincidences. But, in actuality, there are coincidences and impossible things. I'm starting to think you like to challenge the things that are, and refute the things that aren't, and say they are. Basically, you just like to bicker. " She ruffles my hair.

I take a cup, fill it half way with water. "Half empty or half full?" I hand her the glass. Her eyes twinkle. I look at her gently. It's as though she knows something I don't... That cocky grin of hers.

She dumps it on my head. It feels cool... I mean ice cold, short of freezing.

" Simple. Neither."

I can hear Mum laugh in the distance, we laugh along..

" So, if you're not an optimist, nor a pessimist, what are you?" I shake the water all over like a shaggy dog.

She giggles. " I guess we'll never know... "

I laugh and get the door, Teryn jumps into my arms.

" Little brother!" I smile. I can see Lexia watching in the distance.

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