__*__Chapter IX__*__

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Ivy's POV


The Princess was admittingly important. It's best to have her on my side, I thought. She would make a good... Ally. Yes, that's it. A good ally.

But, the thing is that though I did know how to heal, my healing abilities were next nothing without Skylar by my side. The fact of the matter, was that I hadn't a clue of how to just 'magically' make this mysterious princess better. I didnt even know if it were in my best interest to.

Maybe, I could just leave her here. Half dead...

Dispose of the body...

But then, I would eventually, one day, have to explain what happened to the Princess. I would have to break poor little Teryn's heart. I'm sorry, but I just can't do that. So I knelt beside the girl. If I didn't know better, I'd say she could easily pass as one of us. Us being:

The villagers,

The peasants..

The forbidden children.

'Don't think like that, Ivy' I tell myself.

This girl is dangerous.

She could easily have me murdered in my sleep, or quartered, or....

I take a deep sigh.

Not helping. Don't think like that either.

So I stare at her. I study her every feature.

For one. She's so beautiful. It's magnificent. I don't think I ever could find the words to properly describe her, to the glory she deserves.

She's something...

She also has this aura about her.

Her skin was so pallid, pale, like in a snowstorm.

She would be invisible.

And her dress.

That caught my eye.

Her dress was black as night, yet light. It shimmered in the moonlight. It wasn't like the other princesses dresses, which would drag against the ground. It hadn't any sleeves either.

It was short.

And by 'short' I mean it was closer to her hips than her feet. I can't believe the kingdom allowed that! Actually, they probably didn't. Which meant she was a rebel of sorts. Like us! Sure, she had leggings well past her knees, and bare feet, but that's completely besides the point. It wasn't poofy... And when I said it had no sleeves, I mean it was strapless. And not just normal 'strapless'. No it was like 'hot strapless.'

That girls got style. I click my tongue.

Now, I was imagining how the dress would have been. But in the condition it was in now was tattered. Almost as tattered as the broken body using it.

I looked back to my pack. I looked at my three days worth of clothes, and take out a light blue skirt, slipping over hers, feeling a spark of empathy, and the need to help this girl. She had done nothing wrong to me and I shouldn't stereotype. I'm sure if I were in her position, she would do the same for me without question, so, therefore, I would help her. Everybody in this world deserves a chance at life.

My lips hesitantly meet hers, only oxygen passed through, then pushed on her chest lightly.

Over and over, until I heard a breath.

It was going to be alright, I thought, as I stared into those dazzling, hypnotic, electric blue, eyes, that flickered open.

Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Teryn, no doubt.

" You did a good thing tonight." He stared up at me with those big, kind eyes .

" When I grow up, I want to be just like you, big sister."

" Oh, it was nothing," I say quietly.

" There isn't such a thing as never, nothing, or nobody. There is a reason for everything and everybody in this world. That is what makes this world a good place. Whether it be you, me or that tree, they all have a purpose. and Thats what life is for; it's purpose. Everybody, is a somebody. You saved an innocent girl today."

He grins sheepishly. "Thank you."

By this time, my gaze was distracted, focused on the princess, and the princesses gaze, was focused.

On us.

She tried to stand. By 'tried' I mean she put every ounce of her well-being, her concentration into it. She was in pain. Probably from that gash by her lungs. Though, what I could not tell, is whether this pain was emotional or physical. I watched her hold her arms across her tummy in pain, blood on her hands.


Question answered.

But she was shaky as she stood,

I mean 'attempted' to stand.

Teryn rushes to her side, grabbing her waist, and hand so she wouldn't fall. I thought him well, I thought with an amused smile. She limped over to me, and hugged me. She whispered but a sweet 'thank you,' and walks to Teryn, kissing both his cheeks, as to custom. His blush was obvious, even in the darkness. Not used to customs, eh? I mentally note to explain to him the origins of that. Our Mum was a well known professor at the Castle. He had best know his facts. I laugh under my breath. They laugh along. Tonight, this story has a happy ending. Though I don't know long it will last, or how long it is 'till morning. But the night was perfect. Not too hot, nor too cold. Just perfect. I had my brother, a well-trained princess... What more could I possibly ask for?
If I've learnt one thing tonight it is that you can ask all the questions you'd like, but in the end, make sure to live life without regrets. Try something new. Because, if you never try it, you'll never know. You may never again have the same chance. Sure, everything comes with risks and rules. Had I been in my right mind, I never would have considered to help the girl. I would have left her alone in the night, taken brother, safe, safe at home. But some rules are meant to be broken. The reason I knew I had done right, was not at the moment in time brother had told me I had.


It was the moment I saw the fear, in the poor Princesses eyes. For all of but a second, when I looked into those gentle, pretty eyes, I no longer saw the Princess.

I saw myself.

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