__*__ Chapter XX __*__

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Skylar's POV


Here I was thinking I was going to die. I screamed, for no particular reason. Nobody would hear me. The villagers would accept I was good as dead. I let go. The fire burned a layer off my skin.

I didn't care.

I was trapped. There was no escape. I didnt get to even say goodbye to Mum, brother or sister. No amount of books, or knowledge would save me. Then, I saw a silhoutte. An angel in white skin and hair, a dark dress, walk right... Through the fire. I was amazed! This was not happening. It was a dream! A good one at that, though. I was... Hallucinating. That's all.

She walked through the fire, as though it had no affect on her. She got the dead baker first, then came back for me. She pulled me into her arms, and had a slight limp from somewhere. When she got out the door, she stepped away from the fire, and collapsed, having me still in her arms. It was a miracle! She hadn't any burns. If I didn't know better, I'd say she would easily be alright. But something in that smoke... And its odd effect on her. Made me wonder.

Question myself.


How did she do this?

She had the same, or more, courage than I and she didn't have her Mum telling her to save everybody. She did it of her own accord. I respect that... Owe her my life, at the very least. I wash her face with cool water, coughing.

I shake her.

She wouldn't awaken. This worried me...

She was out cold. I take her to an old abandoned house in the woods, laying her gently on the bed, and fetch my Mum, putting her in the separate bedroom. Then an old woman approaches me.

" What did you do with Princess?"

" Who?! " I look to her confused.

" The girl who risked her life to save you. Princess Alexandria. "

" I put the girl in the abandoned house, along with my Mum. "

The woman and I speak, then I run inside, studying the girls every features. I stare at her, confused.

What was a princess doing here? She was behind this! But as I looked at her innocent face.. I felt that she would never do such a cruel thing. And considering she had risked her life for me. I guess I could count her out of the suspect list.

I shake her once more, this time getting a response. At last!

Though the response was a fit of coughing...

" What has this world come to? What do I do? "

I don't expect an an answer... But I got one.

" Rebuild your village, m-my country..."

I drop little droplets of water on her forehead.

" Are you the Princess?" She weakly nods.

" Ja." She tries to sit up, but I put my hand gently on top her chest, gesturing for her to lie back down. " I-I don't feel very well..." She said weakly.

I bring he up to my arms and hold her, trying to make her feel safe.

" It's going to be all right, now rest little one... " I set her down gently back on the bed, and curl up beside her, tired as well having endured the same flame as she.

" Are you an angel?" I ask silently, by this time she's cuddled up close beside me, her body burning up. I gently wrap my arms around her. I can feel her shake her head and whisper, 'anything but', but by which time, we were both asleep.

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