__*__Chapter XXIII__*__

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Princess Alexandria's POV


I finally assessed my choices and came to a decision. I would help Teryn's and Skylar's Mum, then be on my way. I mean, I wouldn't want to overstay my welcome or anything. Besides, Skylar and I had far too many memories, we had history. I really don't know if that was much a good or bad thing.

So, I looked down at the sick women's face, touched her forehead and cheek, focussing once more on the elements... Hmm. Which ones to use though? I'd think it best to keep fire out of this. Earth, would keep her rooted to the earth. And water would help sooth her pain, wash away the disease. I focussed on those two elements, feeling there healing properties rush from inside me, to her. My eyes close, and within seconds she is sitting up.

" So you are the legendary Princess."

I sigh in annoyance. "I am no such thing. Why must everybody think I am?"

" Because you are."

" As much as I hate to disagree, mademoiselle, I am not."

" Denying destiny and fate doesn't mean something won't happen. What you just did, what you did in the fire, are proof of this."

" Well, then kindly tell me of this legend! If it's about me, then I should know. I mean even your children do..."

" The part of the legend I tell the little ones at night, is much different than the actual legend. Therefore, it is pointless to ask them, because the part of the legend you will need to know, is not of their knowledge. "

I am starting to get very frustrated. She is dancing around the point. She knows something I don't. Why won't she just outright tell me?

This isn't fair.

Life isn't fair.

" Please tell me, miss. You know of this legend. C' vous plait... Bitte. Please. You owe me your life. I will pay you coins, or..."

She stops me. "I don't want your money. Nor do I wish to be bribed... Touchè, you do have a point. I am in your gratitude, because you did save my life. But, I'm afraid, if you know of the legend now... You might be a tad upset. " She looks at me seriously. "And with these untamed powers. You could destroy this whole planet. Knowledge is power. When you need to know the legend, you will. Not a moment too soon, nor late."

Yes, so I would be upset if I found out the legend. Not like I wasn't upset or anything, not knowing this stupid legend. Fine. Fine, keep me in the dark. See if I care. She continues.

" And if I tell you now, this will interfere with your fate. Your destiny. One should not tamper with destiny. But there will come a time when you must know of it. But I will not be the one to tell you. "

Ah yes, so basically what she's saying is, she's going to leave me hanging. And someday I shall know... But really, I want to know now. I shake my head.

" Who shall tell me of this legend?"

" I cannot tell you this. But I can tell you that she watches you, day by day. She watches your back. You shall not ever parish because if you ever need her, she will save you. "

I let out an exasperated sigh. " Who is it?! "

" Somebody. Now, dear girl, best attend to my son, your majesty."

" Ah, I think I will be on my way. Places to go, people to see... You know. Same old, same old. " I get up. She grabs my arm.

" You never did tell me how you met my son." It was a statement; not a question.

" Well, you never did tell me what that legend was, so I guess now we're even. " I carelessly shrug and walk out the door calling out.

" Au reviour." And a wave. This probably won't be the last time I see that lot.


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