__*__ Chapter III __*__

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Chapter III


Princess Alexandria's POV

I woke up with a cold, wet, soothing washcloth on across my eyes. I couldn't see. I blinked. Even that hurt. I tried to open my sapphire eyes. They felt like rocks. I felt my hands clumsily touch my face. I realized two things. For one thing, what I thought was a washcloth, was a bandana. And secondly, most importantly, my eyes were blacked out, as it all came rushing back to me. I could sense a hand reach for me. I flinch away. This only results in me falling off the bed, onto cold, actually freezing ground beneath.

"Easy there. You've been asleep for the past week." I sneer. " Yeah. Purely thanks to you. Shut up. Go away." I hadn't the patience for him, or people like him, for that matter. I wasn't trying to be rude, but he deserved it. He deserved every bit of it he had coming to him. I look to him in my sightless state, not bothering with the blindfold. "Ah... But Princess," he starts. I yell at him in a rage, stopping him in mid-sentence. "Princess has a bloody name. If I hear of you calling me this again, you shall hang by my dungeon by your toes. If you're lucky, perhaps a dragon will eat you. Or a craken." I glared. "Then, I shall have your head, if you don't encounter them first. Now scurry off, you!" He chuckles and takes off my bandana, hovering over me. "You were a princess, yes. But look around. Where are you now? Admit it. Your title, your crown, nor looks shall save you now!" I blink. Dumm kofp. I clear my throat. My scratchy throat. "Where am I?"

"At the recruiting for Warrior Training." He replies with a smug grin.

Wouldn't I just love to wipe it right off...

But, I couldn't.

Guess who'd win that fight...

Inevitable. Not me.

Duh du jour.

"I am at what?!" I looked at him in fear. He takes the bandana and rubs some herbs and, what I assumed to be, medicine. He sets it back on my forehead, wrapping it around my head, ever so softly. I feel the wound on my limp arm, dissipate, disappear, with the whisper of all of but a few words. I relaxed. Not for long though.

"What is the meaning of this? Tell me what just happened." I demand, freaking out. My muscles tense.

He whispers calmly, "Magic, Princess. Magic. Now calm down. I am not going to hurt you. I am your friend." For half a second, I almost believed him. I mean he just did the impossible... Right? But then, I remembered something. I lay my head back. This bandanna was amazing. I remember the thin line of blood on his forehead. The one that I had been the cause of.

" If you can heal my wounds, then why don't you heal your own?" I ask quietly.

" I have the gift to heal others. Not myself," he whispered. I obviously had said something to hurt him... This time actually on accident. I felt bad. Guilty. But why? He had kidnapped me after all. But I have this sudden urge to hug him. I pity him. And for some reason, that is beyond me. He seems familiar. Almost as if I know him...

But, as I think on it.. I really don't recall him.

He says quietly in his French accent, "Princess of Prussia, Princess of the Valley of the Mist... What is your name?"

For the first time, I feel a smile touch my lips, for all of but a second, then go away, if you weren't paying attention, it would be so very easy to miss. But he notices. An eyebrow raised he studies me.

"Alexandria," I reply.

I close my eyes feeling the gentle bandana over my eyes.

I concentrate.

Leaning to touch his face, I imagine all the elements from within, trying to arrange them, visualize them so they where saving people. I felt a warm tingle about my body. I didnt need to look to know it worked.

Amazement radiates off his body. His jaw is dropped, which I see through a little crack in the fabric around my head.

" Y-you know magic?! Magic of the elements?" It was his turn to be surprised.

I sit in silence. He continues.

" That's like so amazing! " more silence. Finally he catches the hint.

" You don't talk much, do you?"

I answer his question. More silence.

" I don't speak when I haven't anything of importance to say. Maybe you should try it sometime." I hope he takes the hint.

I stumble backwards.

Then, I think.

I think on whether or not to force him to take me home.

Have him apologize for kidnapping me.

Tell me who he was.

Why I was here.

Wherever 'here' is... I sigh.

But asking people questions was going to do no good. As I had learnt long ago, was that if I wanted to know something, I'd have to learn it myself... People lie. Experience doesn't .

Wishing I wasn't here or at that bloody stupid castle for that matter, wasn't to do me much good either... All my life I had wanted to escape that castle. Now somebody comes along, doing just that. I should be thanking him. Kneeling at his feet, commending him... Yet I had made a serious mistake.

All my life it had been like this. For once, I tried something new.

I got up real slow, walking towards him, not needing to take off my bandana to sense where he is... I walked to him, limping. Evidently his magic could only do so much. I could feel where his sword had touched my skin. I didnt care. I kept walking. I heard him flinch, as though he thought would hurt him. I kneel at his feet, taking his hands in mine, remembering all those blasted princess lessons.

I had always thought them a waste of time.

I was surprising even myself.

I whispered something in French, knowing that was the accent he had. He had sandy blond hair.

I had always thought it was a waste of time to know fifteen different languages.

Well, kindly put, now I don't.

Not now anyways.

Now I whisper in his ear in French, "My name is Alexandria. Call me what you wish. Thank you for your magic. Thank you for saving my life, from that if a proper princess. For the chance at a life of adventure. I am forever in your gratitude, Misiuer. "

I fold the bandana blindfold on my lap.

His warm amber eyes meet mine. There is a look of amazement in his. But I look to him. They look like. Lük's. But older... I tell myself that I'm just hallucinating. Seeing things. I feel a surge of panic. Quit obsessing, says the voice in my head. Tears come to my eyes. I miss him....

I feel a hand reach over.

Not to slap me, but to...

Wipe away my tears.

Silently tell me everything's going to be alright. Nobody ever cared about me all tat much. Everybody was always 'busy' having 'better things to do'. Yeah. But he cared. Touchè. He barely knew me.

But still he cared.

I looked into his eyes and saw that. But still, despite my tireless efforts to think otherwise. I saw Lük. I must be crazy. Utterly crazy crazy. Maybe I just wanted to see him. Rumour had it, he was dead.

I didnt want to believe that.

I didnt.

Before I could talk myself out of it, my lips crashed into his...

That was the last I remember.

Maybe there is such thing as love, after all...

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