__ *__Chapter IV__* __

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Well, was I wrong...

As I admit this with a sigh.

Because of what happened next.

A girl, with dark hair, pushed me to the ground.

She screams at me. If looks could kill, I'd be long dead.

She said through gritted teeth, "Ryan is my boyfriend and don't you forget it!"

She knocks me out.


She too was good.....

And you know what? She could have her bloody stupid boyfriend.

See if I care..

" Dawn, take a chill... " I heard Ryan say.

Her response?

A punch to the chest. A kick.

I see the black sky.... The one without stars.

It was that moment, I came to a brilliant realization.

There was no such thing as love. It was just some idiotic tale. One to help little children sleep at night.

Nothing more.

A lie, they tell little innocent children, who don't know better. They are told so early, they actually believe it.

Same old, same old.

The princess always fell in love with the prince. He rescues her from a dragon. maybe an ogre.

Big whoop.

What am I supposed to do, clap?

Morons. A good princess shouldn't need to be rescued. She should do something to escape.

Use some of that frilly, pesky, minuscule thing people call. A brain... Emphasis on brain. Which they probably know nothing of. Then think of a way out. There is a way out of everything. You just have to think of it. You can anything you set your mind to.

But no. They wish to sit in a tower till their hair is down to their toes... In efforts to woo a prince.

No. Kindly excuse me. Their prince. To rescue them. Ohh so sweet. One word describes this type.


And they live 'happily ever after.'



In your dreams.

The irony of it all.

Just as there was no such thing love, there was also no such thing as happy endings. What fun is 'happy ever after'? What fun is having a predictable, boring, regular life? Life is an adventure. You can either accept its calling,

or not.

Be the leaf that flies with the wind..

Or against.

Be blinded by the truth, seeking to find something, you'll never find,

Or realize that the answers are right in front of you.

Find out that what you were looking for, had been in plain sight all along.

In the midst of this thought process, I noticed that the two were arguing.

" Why did you do that to her?!" Ryan said.

" She had it coming," the girl replied. She called me a very bad curse word. In French. Then slapped me.

Anger issues perhaps?

" Best be kind to her," he says.

" You know what? I don't think I want to. I love you. Best boyfriend ever" She pulls my hair. Hard.

That savage... that's no way to treat a princess. Then she kisses him deeply, taking him by surprise.

That savage beast.

I hear a long pause.

Then a light whisper.

He pushes her away, almost knocking her out of her seat.

" You hurt her... How dare you? " I hear a pain in his voice. It cracks. " As far as I'm concerned, I am no longer your boyfriend. What you did wasn't right. That's the princess of the land and her family... Everything you see, belongs to her. I command you to leave. Leave my sight. I never wish to see your face again, do you hear me? "

I hear her anger rise. She takes off a ring, throwing it on the ground. Smashing it to a bloody pulp.

" Ah. I get it. You're dumping me for... A princess," she sneered. " Isn't she a tad out of your league? Oh no. You like her pretty looks, her brains, but most importantly, you like her power. You love her." She made this sound as if an insult. "I can see it in your eyes. " Her fist met my face.


What a sight I must be. A tattered mess.

She wraps his arm around him, after throwing me in a frozen lake, of course. It shattered.

The ice, was like a mirror. It would tell you everything you wanted to see. You could see reality. The way things were.

Well, at this moment, I saw it.

The lake, the frozen lake was just a stupid mirror, and I was trapped on the inside, the world, staring at me.

Watching me.

Examining me like a specimen.

Some people try to spend their life, staring at that mirror, in love with the image they see, trying to make it even more pretty.

Some people spend their life, watching their life flicker by, through that mirror, right in front of their eyes.

But some people, spend their life trapped in that mirror, no escape, and if you dare move one inch, shards of ice, or glass, will pierce through your skin.

But I could do this, I thought as I tried to swim up. But I was trapped beneath the surface. I felt the horrid sensation..

Of drowning ..

The word, was swallowing me up whole.

In a hole.




But that was just it. For with each breath, with each bubble, I was dying..

And I knew it too...

My flailing arms, and legs, stopped.

My breathing...


I didnt care.

I let it all just go...

Ryan boldy jumped in, dragged me to shore.

But she, that dratted Dawn, led him away... Arguing of course.

I don't know what was wrong with her...

All I knew was this Dawn girl,

would pay,

Not today, I thought as I lay.

But sometime, somewhere...


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