__*__Chapter XXVI__*__

43 7 0

Ryan's POV


It was an absurdly cold day. Between the snow, the icy wind... I could even see my breath. Any reasonable person would think it ridiculous to stay in this cold, much less sitting on a pile of ice slash snow.

But no, not me.

Does that make me unreasonable. Silly?

Well, I really don't know about that. The girl I had a bit of a crush on sat beside me. Do I tell her? I mean Dawn was all great and wonderful. Sure. But she had tried to drown the Princess. For no reason...

That's unreasonable. I mean, the two of us broke it off but a while ago. I listen to the world around me... I might long for Dawn a bit, but the Princess made up for that.

Never mind that. I need to teach the Princess defense...

Now I find her interesting.

Alexandria wasn't like any other Princess who's personalities would change, and they'd be brainwashed to the castles wishes. Demands.

She was her own person. I took off my coat, putting it around her small, trembling shoulders, pulling her in tight. She was scared. Afraid of the world.

And yet, she wasn't. She smells of fire. I see a scar. I look to her worriedly. Where exactly had she been? In the midst of it all, I really hadn't gotten a chance to ask her. Should I ask her?

No. She isn't well. I should let her. Rest. Something's are better left unknown. Who knows, perhaps she would tell me of her own accord. She was brave though. That much was obvious.

I look down at her gentle face. Her breath was heavy. She seemed.




Her head falls onto my chest, I push some loose hair out of her face. I blink. She was asleep. I can see from my peripheral vision the trainees of the academy watching us.

Watching me.

Isn't there such a thing as privacy?

I set my head atop hers. She is calm, peaceful, relaxed.

And I stare off at the clouds.

Eventually, night rolls in. The darkness surrounds me, minus the faint path of moonlight illuminated by the waning moon.

I follow that path, holding the Princess across my arms, carrying her to the doorway, all the children of the warrior academy's noses pressed against the frozen glass.

" Make way!" I yell out, and the crowd parts for their headmaster, bowing. Some laugh.

" Who is this?" A boy asks.

" You'll have to wait for tomorrow to see, now won't you?"

" But what about Miss Dawn? "

I look down at Alexandria. " What about her?"

" Won't she be upset? To see you brought another," he pauses. "Girl?"

" Last I saw her, she stormed off saying she hated me. Said she wish I were dead, and never wished to see me again. I'd assume not." We speak in whisper, so we won't awaken the princess.

He shoots me a questionable look. "Oh, sorry to hear that. But what's her name?" The boy points to Alexandria.

" I do believe, that is none of your concern, Nikolai. Now if you kindly excuse me, I will be on my way..."

He stands in front of me. I glare. " C'vous plait, move," I say.

He shakes his head. "Not until you tell me her name."

I look down at her and she stirs. She whispers sleepily mumbling, "Princess Alexandria, Princess of Prussia."

Nikolai looks at her from a new perspective, leaning forward and kissing both her cheeks, politely, as to tradition.

" A pleasure, your majesty. " He bows and steps to the side. " My name, is Nikolai, son of the Duke."

Her eyes flicker open and she rubs her eyes. Her gaze softens, her face fills with sadness. " Your parents... Are dead. I apologize greatly, Monsiuer Nikolai. " A sincere tear runs down her cheek. She kisses his hand, gently.

" I would be dead as well, if not for you Princess. You almost died trying to save my parents."

She nods. " Oui, your parents were innocent. They didn't deserve to die. Some people that die deserve to live, others who live deserve death. Someday, when I'm queen I will make it so nobody dies by the crown's fault."

" Promise?"

" On my honour... " She smiles.

" Do you remember all those times. All those times you taught me my scholar lessons?" She nods.

" I do hope I'm an exceptional teacher, Nik."

" Why of course you are! " They both laugh.

I smile. " Nikolai, enough of your talk. We really must be off." I speak up.

" To where?" He asks.

" Off," I point vastly. " The Princess needs her beauty rest."

She raises an eyebrow, Nikolai chuckles. " Beauty rest indeed."

I walk her to my quarters, laying her gently on the bed. Tucking her in. She quickly falls back asleep.

And I, had an academy to keep up. That should keep me busy enough. Much less with trying to figure out an excuse to keep the Princess here. The choice on whether to tell the students who she actually is, or make up an identity for her. Should I let her stay here? Would she show the necessary talent?

Oh bother... Whatever happens, happens.

I yawn. I'm so very tired. It must be midnight or something.

Of course I can't go back to my quarters, headmasters quarters 'til morning. So, I sleep in the boys dorms. I lie down on the rock solid floor, the boys look at me in question, but say nothing.

And I think. Long and hard.

I have a brilliant idea! But, that can wait for morning or night. Or whenever. I get up, going to an old friend's study.

This was going to be amazing.


Princess of the MoonlightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora