The Truth

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Artie sighed, avoiding Ryder's questioning eyes. "What's going on?" Ryder asked.

"We began developing Redpaw shortly after your father died. It started out as military research, that part is true. But, as the project continued, and failed, they cut our funding. The pup was young and helpless. I couldn't just... put him down.

Using the same research, I developed parents for Redpaw, ones that would exhibit the same powers, if it had actually worked. I sent them out with a team and they ended up here in Adventure Bay. I was hoping they'd find you."

"So you think his parents are still out there?" Ryder asked after taking in what he was told.

"I hope they're still out there, for the pups' sake." Unbeknownst to Ryder, Artie had already sent out a team to hunt them down. If what Ryder said about Redpaw was true, then there was hope that the adult wolves would be more successful with further testing.

"Then, I guess we should tell Redpaw," Ryder said. "I'll let the pups know we're on our way."

"How about," Artie said. "We go find them. Together. We can surprise Redpaw."

Ryder smiled. "That sounds great! Let's go!" He got up and started walking to the Lookout, Artie following closely behind.

Artie sent a message out to his team, ordering them to find the wolves.


"Redpaw, in case you haven't noticed, some pups are still hurt," Skye said.

"I have to find them, though!" Redpaw whimpered. "They're my family, they can explain what's wrong with me."

"Oh pup," Skye said, joining the slightly smaller wolf on the bed. "We're your family now. No matter what, we'll be here for you." She nuzzle him.

"I know," he said quietly. "I still want to see them, though."

"It's going to have to wait a while, 'til everyone's all better."

With a heavy sigh, Redpaw nodded. "Okay."

"Come on," Skye said, hopping down from the bed. "I bet you're hungry." With a wag of his tail, Redpaw followed her outside, greeting the others.

Chase still had bandages on his paws and was being scolded by Marshall. "I bet you'd look great in a cone," he threatened. Chase lowered his ears and whimpered, causing Marshall to laugh.
Rocky was in his puphouse, Redpaw noted. Sleeping off a terrible headache that was only alleviated with a few pain pills.

Zuma seemed to be doing better, limping a little as he ran to chase Rubble, who barked and yipped with joy.

Redpaw looked to Skye and noticed claw marks on his side. They weren't bad, nothing more than faint scratches, but it still worried him. "What happened to your side?" he asked her.

She stopped to see what he was talking about. "Oh, that. When Chase and I fell through the ground, he grabbed me and used his claws to grip onto the wall to slow us down. I hadn't noticed." She saw the surprise in Redpaw's eyes. "Oh I know he didn't mean to. It was an accident."

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked. Wolves noses are highly sensitive. He could sense the apprehension oozing off her.

"I- I guess I'm still shaken up from the fall, but I'll be fine." She lead him over to his food bowl and watched as he chowed down, eagerly filling his stomach.

Chase trotted over, limping a bit with every step. "Hey, Redpaw. How've you been?"

"I've had better days," Redpaw said.

Mystery of Redpaw (PAW Patrol Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now