The Suspense

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As the dust cleared, Zuma coughed as he awoke. Shaking the debris from his now muddied fur, he tried to stand. He yelped, collapsing back onto the ground. "My paw, it's sprained!" he said out loud. Looking around in the darkness, he couldn't see much. "Pups? Ryder? Katie?" No answer. He tried his puptag, but even that wouldn't turn on. He stood from his spot, wincing as he tried not to put pressure on his left hind paw. He took one step, only to trip and fall into...

A cabinet?

He recognized the door slamming as he fell inside. Ryder had told them countless times to not slam the cabinet. He chuckled at the thought before returning to the task at hand. Pushing the door open, he realized why he had managed to fall inside in the first place.

The PAW Patroller had rolled onto it's side.

A groan behind him alerted him. His senses already heightened, he prepared himself for the worse, unsheathing his claws. "Z-Zuma?" Marshall groaned.

"Marshall!" He rushed over to the Dalmatian, aided by faint light coming through a gaping hole. "Are you okay?"

"I think so," he replied, rubbing his head. "You?"

"Sprained one of my paws, but I'll be fine. "Where's Rubble?"

Marshall sniffed the air and his eyes went wide. "We've got to go."

Zuma sniffed the air as well, wondering what was happening. "Why do we-" He paused as the reality of the situation sunk in. Gas was leaking from the vehicle. "Oh my pup."

"You're hurt, get out while you can," Marshall said, squeezing out from under a pile of debris. "I'll find Rubble, Katie and Ryder."

"I'm not leaving you!" Zuma barked. He ran towards the front, ignoring the shooting pain running through his leg. "Ryder? Katie? Where are you?"

Marshall began sniffing around the debris, looking for any signs of the pup. "Come on, Rubble. You've got to be around here somewhere." He picked up his scent and began moving some of the debris. He heard a yelp and stopped. "Rubble?"

"Marshall?" he whimpered. "Is that you?"

"I'm going to get you out," Marshall said. He carefully moved the debris, knowing any sudden movement could hurt him, or worse. "Keep talking, pup."

"I'm scared. I smell gas."

"We're okay, don't worry."

"Where's Ryder and Katie?"

Marshall thought for a moment. "He's- he's with Zuma." I hope.

Zuma had gotten over the sight of seeing a completely destroyed RoboDog. He saw hand poking out from a pile. He walked over and licked it. Ryder. "Ryder? Can you hear me?"

"Pup? Zuma?" Ryder said. He pushed up on the debris. Underneath him was Katie, who had been knocked unconscious during the fall. Emerging from the debris, he hugged Zuma momentarily before dragging Katie up with him. "Where are the others?"

"Need some help back here!" Marshall yelled.

"There's a gas leak," Zuma said. "I'll take Katie outside and away from da-" He yelped as another shot of pain raced through his leg.

"You sprained it, didn't you? How are you going to-"

"I'll drag her out. Go save Rubble!" With that, Zuma latched onto Katie's shirt and began painfully pulling her through the PAW Patroller's emergency exit.

Ryder raced to the back, pulling out his puppad. Turning on the flashlight, he spotted the spotted dog carefully moving piece by piece out from atop of Rubble. "Almost done," he declared.

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