The Clues (Part One)

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As Skye flew over the bay, Chase nervously shifted in his seat. His fur was brushed up against Skye's and he was blushing like mad. He tried his best not to show it, but his body betrayed him. His ears were flattened against his head. He sat on her right, avoiding her eyes. "Chase?" she asked. "Are you alright?"

He gulped. "Y-yeah." Releasing a breath he didn't know he was holding, he sighed. "Just worried about Redpaw, that's all."

Skye placed her paw on Chase's, causing him to suppress a yelp. "He's going to be fine. Rocky will talk to him."

"Y-yeah..." the shepherd stuttered. Skye giggled knowingly. She landed her chopper just a few feet away from Everest and Mr. Porter. Both pups hopped out, rushing onto the scene.

Everest noted Chase's behavior as well as his scent. "Everything okay?"

Chase turned his head before realizing what was wrong. He forced his ears upward. "Yeah, yeah, everythings fine. Mr. Porter, how are you?"

"I'd be better if we knew where Alex was. Someone took him."

"Who?" Chase barked.

"I don't know. They took my van." He sat on the ground. "Alex," he groaned. "I'm so sorry. If anything happens to him I'll-"

"Don't worry, Mr. Porter," Skye said. "Chase and Everest are on this."

"I searched the house and it's surroundings," Everest said. "There's tire tracks outside of the garage."

"Let's start there," Chase said. "Mr. Porter, Rocky and Redpaw should be at the Lookout, if you'd like to stay there in the meantime."

"No, I couldn't. I'm too worried about Alex." He knelt down on the ground. "Please find him."

Chase placed his paw on his shoulder. "We will." He looked at Everest. "Let's get to work."

"Come on," Skye said. "I'll take you to the Lookout."


Redpaw sat under the tree nearest the Lookout. He tried hard to remember the vision, every detail, but it was starting to fade. He whined in frustration. His ears twitched as he heard Rocky's vehicle.

"Redpaw, are you okay?" Rocky grabbed the first aid kit just in case. He trotted up to him, looking at him up and down. "Does anything hurt?"

"I'm fine," Redpaw said. "Just... confused." He was tearing up. "And scared." Rocky approached him, sitting next to the wolf pup.

"Was it a vision?" Redpaw nodded. "Of Alex?" He nodded once more, looking up at Rocky.

"He's locked in Mr. Porter's van, but I don't know where they took it." Rocky turned his head.

"Who?" Redpaw started trembling. He buried his muzzle into Rocky's chest, crying his eyes out.

"I didn't see!" he sobbed. "I'm sorry!" Rocky consoled him, wrapping his paws around the sad little wolf. "I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, Redpaw." He continued sobbing, soaking Rocky's fur. Ugh, wet- No! Focus. Crying pup in your arms. "We'll find him."

"H-how can you be s-so s-sure?" He looked up into Rocky's eyes.

"'Cause we're the PAW Patrol. No job is too big." He smiled. "And no pup is too small." He licked one of Redpaw's tears, causing him to giggle.

"Rocky," Chase said through his collar. "We need your forensic kit."

"What happened?" he asked, slight concern in his voice. He looked down at Redpaw, who merely turned his head I'm curiosity. "On second thought, never mind. I'm on my way."

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