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This story is completed:) It is currently under editing. Enjoy! Don't forget to comment, vote, and fan!! thanks!!



  Today was a new day. A new start to life.

  Hopefully today will go well and my new life in England will be a lot better than my old one. I am too tired of running and I just hope that I don't have to run anymore.

  I sat up in bed, stretching and standing on the warm, tan carpet. My feet sunk into it as I walked to my large walk in closet. I want something cute and that describes my personality for the first day at a new school. I decided on my favorite orange, ruffled tank top with a light, army green, bedazzled jacket and black, high waisted shorts with black, lacy toms.

  I shuffled to my bathroom, lazily stripping off and hopping into the warm, soothing shower. The water seemed to relax my tense nerves and I changed swiftly. I straightened my hair and applied minimal makeup considering I didn't have much time. I rushed back into my room grabbing my keys, purse, phone, and rushing out the door.

  Mom was at work as usual and I was left to lock the door and walk to school since mom still hasn't gotten me a car yet. I'm working towards one though, especially since I'll be 18 in only seven months.

  The school was only a three minute walk from my small house.

  My eyes widened as I gazed up at the building once I arrived. Iron gates were open, welcoming people onto the grounds for school. People were separated into different groups with a few minglers. The tall brick structure was old and dated, but it didn't look like it on the inside. It was very modern with typical lockers lining both sides of the hall and rooms open every so often allowing students to enter.

  I walked into the small office that said 'Main Office' on the sign outside. "Hello, may I help you?" "Yes, I'm new here and I needed my schedule." "Name?" "Mia." She looked up and smiled, handing me a slip of paper. "Welcome. Your locker will be just down the hall to your right and your first class is on the second floor at the end of the hall." "Thank you." She nodded with a small smile and continued with her work.

  "Where is it again?" I asked with a brief confused and nervous laugh. "I'll have someone show you. Marcel, could you please show Mia where her locker and class is?" "Of course."

  A tall boy with piercing green eyes stepped out from behind the doorway and looked down at my short figure. His hair was swept back and he had glasses set on the bridge of his nose. His voice fit his appearance almost perfectly.

  He flashed a small smile in my direction and I felt my cheeks flush red. I covered it with my hair the best I could as he walked to me. "Hello, Mia. I'm Marcel." "Hi." I replied shyly, shaking his massive hand. 

  "Let's go find your locker."


Hello there! So this fanfic was requested to be posted on here and Instagram so here ya go! Check out my other fanfics!

Don't steal my story! This is 100% mine. If you find someone that stole it please report them to me after ranting them out and also reporting them! Thank you and enjoy:)




Peace out babes😘✌

Double the Heartbreak© (Marcel and Harry) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now