Wow that looked hot, physically yes he was attractive but his personality ruined it.

I think I’ve told myself that once already today, I need to eliminate all physical attractions to him otherwise this is going to become quite an inconvenience for me.  

Harry is an inconvenience already, I don’t need his attractiveness to be one too.

“See you two are getting along wonderfully already, I’ll have great grandchildren in no time’’ my grandma smiled, her tone sounded serious.

“Not until your married of course, once your married I bet you’ll never leave the bedroom’’ she continued laughing by now.

What? My grandma was not talking to me about sex, no way.

She’s only young for a Grandma, she recently turned fifty, and has always been the life of a party, well until she became ill. But even so unless she’s consumed alcohol she’s the most uptight and posh person I know, I never expected her to say something like that.

“Can’t wait’’ Harry laughed winking at me.

He was clearly being sarcastic he wanted nothing to do with me.

“That’s why we need to get you two married as soon as possible’’ my grandma added.

“Soon? Wouldn’t a long engagement be better? You know more chance to get to know each other and plan the wedding’’ I suggested hoping if we play along for long enough I’d be able to get out of this stupid outdated tradition.  

“Oh no the dates already set dear, you’re getting married on the 18th of July’’

What no, that’s a month today.

“We have lots of planning to do but don’t worry me, Anne and Gemma will be helping you’’ Anne was Harry’s mother and Gemma was his sister, I’d learnt this from Harry and my grandmothers babbling over the past hour.

I just sat there not knowing what to say, how was I going to get out of it?

“I’m going through to the other room where your father and Harrys family are, you two stay here we’ll see you at dinner in an hour’’ my grandma said smiling sweetly before walking out of the room leaving us alone.

An hour alone with Harry, how brilliant.

I stayed seated scrolling through tumblr on my phone, getting lost in my newsfeed, you know how it is on tumblr.

That was until I was interrupted by Harry leaning other my shoulder and snatching the phone out of my hand.

“Give it back’’ I told him bluntly.

I suppose this is the first real time we’ve spoken that hasn’t being initiated by my Grandmothers presence.

“Only if you agree to talk to me’’ Harry teased waggling the phone in the air.

“No why would I want to talk to you, you posh stuck up twat’’ I snapped.

‘’Your hardly any better dear, have you met your family?’’ he teased

 “Yeah and I’m nothing like them’’

“Oh you are believe me’’ he leaned closer to me ‘’ you have your grandmas eyes’’ he whispered.

The distance between our faces closed in even further, we were so close I could have sworn we were going to kiss again, I stayed frozen not knowing how to react. We stayed like this for a few moments before Harry pulled back laughing.

“You didn’t think, I would kiss you again did you?’’ he joked

I said nothing I just looked away, I couldn’t be bothered with all his childish jokes and games.

 “Aww you did, maybe another time babe’’ he teased again, tossing my phone back at me.

I caught it quickly before pulling out my earphones and turning my music up loud enough to drown him out.

I just can’t wait for today to be over and to find a way out of this mess.


Authors note --- Thank you all so much for reading, I love you all!

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Love Molly xxxxx




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