The Boy In Suite 121 by ShadowNinja21

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24 July 2013

Q1. What's the name of the book? 

A. The Boy In Suite 121

Q2. What is the genre of your book? 

A. Mystery/Thriller, Romance, Teen Fiction

Q3. What gave you the  idea for your book?

A. It was something I'd written three years ago after reading a book about boarding school so I thought hey, why not write one. But I was always too scared to write something for others to see. 

Q4. Can you give a summary of your book?

A. It'll be fun, they said. You'll make friends, they said. But what they didn't say, is why she was being sent to St. Anna's Academy. Seventeen year old "troubled" Chelsey Hastings finds herself in stranded with four strange roommates at a creepy boarding school. While trying to adjust, she crosses paths with Jason who opens her eyes to a whole new world. The more time she spends with him, the more memories she seems to have. Ones of a time she can't remember. In search for the truth, Chelsey learns who she is, why she's there, and why she can't ever leave. 

Q5. Why do you believe it is a good read?

A. It's not a cliche story, it has a few cliches . It's something that (so I've been told) is well written. There's always something to look forward to. And you'll never guess how it ends. 

Q6. What would you like to say to those  who read your book?

A. Give it a chance. It may have longer chapter than most Wattpad stories but it is totally worth the read, I promise. And to those who have already read, thank you for all of your support.  

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