Fourteen-party time

Start from the beginning

"Damn babe you had a fucked up 48 hours. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you but I here now".

I punched him in the head folding my arms "ouch what was that for"? He asked rubbing the spot.

"You knew you were getting out didn't you" I asked narrowing my eye's at him. A sheepish smile was on his face. But right now I didn't even care I was just happy he's out. I still wanted to throw him a party and Saturday was in two day's so it would work out perfect.

"But for right now I want to make love to my baby" I smiled as I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried us to the bed room and closed the door.


3 week later

"Okay move the table over to the corner" I ordered Aairz. Him along with Noah, Ezrah, Miles, Gi and a few of Josh's friends were helping me rearrange furniture in the tat shop for Josh's coming home party. I knew it was a few week's late but I still wanted to throw him one anyway. What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't.

Everyone's been so busy, with work and school and just emotionally drained to do anything when he came home. It was like everything was happening at once and it was hell trying to process it all.

"Ughh it's in the damn corner J" I gave him a 'what was that' look and he sucked his teeth. "Well move it to the other one. Thank you. And a little less attitude or your not drinking".

He quickly slid the table across the room with a smile on his face. I shook my head with amusement and looked around the gray, black and red decorations, and dim lighting, happy with the color sceem. I decided to go into the bathroom and freshen up before more guess arrived.

Stepping in the bathroom I was disgusted by what I heard. "Mmmhm right there just like that" I heard Gi moan but the man that responded back wasn't Miles.

"I'm coming" Rick called out as they tried to catch there breath. I leaned ageist the sink waiting for them to make them selves decent. When the stall opened Gi tried to close it but Rick pushed her not getting that someone was here. Once he noticed he looked down running his hand over his short hair. He went to explain but I put my hand up to stop him.

"Don't fuck up this party'"? I asked and they both shook there head's headed for the door. I let Rick leave but grabbed Gi's arm digging my nails into her flesh.

"Are you serious right now" as she winced in pain and I let her go she examined the red mark on her arm and laughed.

" your one to talk when Miles cheated on me with you. Did you forget? Let's just say it's pay back". Before I even knew it I had her pined to the wall, with my four arm pressing into her throat.

"You stupid bitch. Wait unti- " of course wrong timing. Miles walked in shaking his head. "Jacei put her down" he said in a calm manner. I let her go as she mustard up a fake ass cry and saying she didn't know why I attacked her. I went to explain as Miles put his arm around a crying Gi and shook his head again.

He turned to walk away, with her by his side then looked over his shoulder "I can't believe you" he said coldly then gave me a wink and smile. I was a bit confused, and made a note that I had to talk to him later.


I stood by the punch bowl watching Josh hug his father and chat with his aunt's and uncles that drove up for the occasion. Aairz and his girl were swaying to the music, Noah was trying to mac on the tattoo babes serving food platers and Ezrah was grabbing a plate to bring to Tricia. I sipped my drink when Miles slid to the side of me and poked my sides.

"Hey I took her home" he said with a hint of liquor on his breath. I jumped not expecting that and turned to him "let me explain-".

He cut me off putting his hand on my shoulder and looking around. "I heard everything" scrunching up my eye's brows "really"?

I asked surprised "yeah I found that dudes name in her phone. It was goin on way before I got with her and guess what she just told me"? He said taking a sip of his red cup and looking at me "She's pregnant" I busted out laughing,but he didn't find it funny.

"Oh you got jokes huh" he said looking back at the crowd. " I'm sorry. But is it yours"? He shrugged taking another sip.

" I don't know but I'm not going to leave her. You know mama raised me better then that. Ima wait till she has it then get a DNA test".

He really was a good man. I don't know how many other men would do such a noble thing. That's one thing I can truly say about mama is she did a good job raising her sons.

"True if it is yours you don't want to miss out on the pregnancy. Your a good man Em, your a good man". I said patting his shoulder smiling at him.

"Then why am I not good enough for you"? My smile quickly dropped and I went to say something, anything. But there were no right words. Luckly Josh came over with a smile and beer in hand.

Saying 'what's up' to Miles and daping him up, then embracing me in a hug he pointed in the direction of his dad. "Come here babe I want you to say hi to dad". I was all smiles so he wouldn't since the tension between me and Em. As we walked away I turned back seeing his disappointed exasperation, and my heart just sank.

He knows I don't want to lose him, that's what always happens when best friend's get together in a romantic way. You get together thing's are peachy at first then something happens and your sworn enemies for life. Or if you do stay friend's someone always sour and brings up your faults in the relationship. I knew he wasn't like that but I didn't want to risk it.

Josh and I were happy, and we have history together. It was worth taking a shot and I don't regret it one bite. I see a long future with him and I'm not going to mess this up. My life is getting back on track and I know more good times are to come.

After greeting his father and doing a little catch up, we had a big laugh reminiscing about Josh and I in high school.

"Yeah he would talk about you all the time. Jacei this Jacei that". He said while his laugh made his beer belly jiggle. "Chilll" Josh said his cheeks turning red.

"It's okay We're a couple now I have to hear all your embarrassing stories" I said kissing his cheek. "Well this is embarrassing too". He said clinking his beer with his dad's to get everyone's attention.

My heart started racing unsure of what was about to happen. I saw his worker Jessica turn the light's from dim to fully on, that's when he dropped down to one knee. A crowed gathered around us, as he dug into his pocket pulling out a little black box. I gasped as he opened it reveling the contents inside.

A perfect white gold single diamond ring was staring back at me, I cover my mouth when my eye's began to get cloudy, and Josh started his speech.

"Jacei Sanchez you have been the love of my life since I was sixteen year's old. Everything about you I absolutely loved and still love. When we had that gap I felt incomplete. But when you reached out to me I knew this was now or never. You stood by me in my darkest hour and I will forever cherish you for that. I love you Jacei will you be my wife".

By now I was snoting and everyone was waiting for my answer "YES" I yelled as he slid the ring on my finger.

The End

Thank you to everyone who voted and commented. If this gets more views I'm going to start on book two but until then enjoy this book along with Acceptance and come find me in my dreams. I'm also getting ready to publish a fished story called Heist. Thanks again and feel free to ask me to read your stories. Remember vote for a vote. Comment for a comment.
God bless

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