eight-just business

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Josh's in media

My bruises were gone along with the empty feeling. I think I felt that way because I saw Chance. And it brought good and bad memories. I haven't heard from him in almost a month though. And around the same time Destin pulled a disappearing act. He dropped out of school and wasn't picking up his phone. So I finally said fuck it and deleted his contact.

Josh and I have been having an amazing time. We were going out more and just in general spending more time together. He had some closet space at my place, and I had some at his. I loved waking up to those beautiful green eyes. He was everything I wanted and more. His personality never switch up, he was always kind and respectful. I'm really falling for him.

I was toping off my famous chicken tartar with some parsley as Patricia sucked her teeth while doing the dishes.

"And whats your beef?" I questioned wipping my hands on my pants.

"Jerky" she responded and I giggled as I placed the plate in the window and rang the bell.

"But for real I hate not having you here full time. Its boring as hell. I have no one to make fun of stuffy costumers with." she pouted.

" I know its not for long though. My courses are only for about five more months and Tony comes back from surgery in a few weeks so I should be back in no time. How you and Ezrah doin?"

I was temporarily part time, Tony got into a car accident and had to get leg surgery. Josh didn't trust anyone to help run the shop if he had stuff to do, so he asked me. The part time didn't really go as planed. I wanted free time to spend with mama and the guys but that got filled with kinda a second job. That's okay though because I get out early, extra pay and can spend all day with my baby.

Ezrah and Tricia kicked if of around the same time Josh and I made it official. When ever she's not at work, with me or friends and fam she's with him. They seem really good for each other. Even though the cutesy nick names make me sick who knew Ezrah was soft like that.

But we went on a couple of double dates. It was awkward at first because Ezrah keeps telling me that Em likes me and that I'm to stubborn to see. He wants me to leave Josh but I told him already it ain't happening no time soon. He finally respects it and left it alone as well as everyone else.

"We good gyul he blew a sistas back out last night mmm how he flip it and smack it."

I pretended to gagge and she slapped my arm playfully . " You know I'm just playin with your dumb ass. Is he packin?" I questioned wanting to know.

She gave me a sneaky smile and that told it all. "Um not really h.." I busted out laughing witch cut her off and she gave me the evil eye as I started making gnocchi with marinara sauce.

"I'm sorry you caught me off guard continue." She took one last glance at me then back down at the dish she was washing. "As I was saying, he's on the smaller side but he knows how to work it. And his tounge games on point. What about Josh?"

I had to think of my babes man part to describe it, I put the fork indentation in the gnocchi before I answered. "He's a good size not huge and not small...average I guess. But the sex is way better now."

"Why you say that?" " Because we make love now. It's more then just lust. It's not a quick fuck anymore. It's slow, passionate and just better" I explained as my panties moisten from the thought of him.

We continued to talk about girl stuff and the boss told me that the gnocchi was my last dish, and to help Patricia before I clock out for the day. "Oh and did I tell you Rah said Miles is seeing some one?'

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