character list

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Josh - 21 almost 22 year old sophomore in college. Love cats, Taco Bell, and Tyler Joseph. -Fine Arts major

Tyler - Josh's secret crush, super popular among everyone. Has many friends, but many secrets ;) -Fine Arts major

Brendon - Josh's best friend, has a massive forehead and is a huge asshole. Been Josh's friend since Kindergarten. Has a lowkey crush on Ryan. -Communication major

Dallon - been friends with josh and Brendon since 6th grade. Quite the partier. Also quite the chef. -Fine arts major

Ryan - a sweet boy whom josh met freshman year of college. Has a lowkey crush on Brendon. -fine arts major

Pete - FUCKING WILD ONE. Loves parties and doing illegal shit (drugs) dating Patrick. -Communications major

Patrick - the little sunflower boy. Very innocent and always does the right thing. Complete opposite of his boyfriend, Pete. -Medical Science major

Gerard - Newest to the group. Weird one, believes in ghosts and is scared of everything. -Psychology major

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