The Pain, death and Love

Start from the beginning

They were furious is an understatement. " We wil never ever accept this relation Sam. If you want to continue this relation, I suggest you take Aamara and get out of our house. This is not acceptable to us." Dad said glaring at Sam. Sam looked at me and then at him trying to decide. I made the decision for him,  saying "I love you Sam and I would love to be with you if you want me to. But I do not want to be a burden on you. Please take me with you if you really really want me. Else, I will wait here for you till they day you return or the day I die."

Sam looked into my eyes and smiled," I  wan't to be with her. I need to spend even a minute together, because I want every second be a beautiful memory. Young love is immature, I know but as long as we continue to grow together, she, guarding my steps and me protecting her, it wil be enough for me. Our path is uncertain, our love might fade away, I understand, I know our situation, still it is only her I see. The love we feel right now is all that matters."

"Dad", I said, "I am young, and foolish in many aspects. I don't intend to pretend I am mature. I'll get there, slowly, I know, he will wait for me. Let this continue to bloom, if it last, if it ends, it all depends on us just us."

I brushed Sam's hair off his eyes as I said those words. We were grinning like idiots but my parents were still silent. We were ready to explore life togeather, see where it leads us and that was enough for me. Liam hugged us again and told us to leave. We agreed. Looking at my parents one last time, I silently begged them to accept us. But they did no such thing so Sam asked me to run up and pick out my most essential items and only 2 dresses and come down real quickly.

I ran up and picked my Guin, my papers and identifications, two dresses, my vanity consisting of mascara , gloss and eyeliner, ,y cell and ipod. Done. I did not need much with Sam around. I dumped them in a bag and ran back down. Every one was standing exactly where I left them. Sam and dad seemed to be glaring at one another.

I quickly ran upto Liam and hugged him, made him promise to stay in touch with us and dragged Sam to a new life, a new begining.


We drove towards his cabin near the lake. It was here where it all began, it was here where we would begin again. He dragged me into the house and shut the door. Turning me around, he kissed me with a burning passion to which I eagerly responded. Soon one thing led to another. We were back where we started, near the fire grate. Sam left me to start the fire and get a bottle of wine from the celler and some cheese and fruit.


You could skip this scene if explicit content is not palatable.....................

He kissed me again and began to undo my clothes. I did the same to him. We were making out when he suddenly stopped and opened the wine bottle. I smiled and held the glass out to him, but in stead of pouring it into the glass, he poured it all over me. I was shocked but soon began to giggle as he licked it right off my body, my breasts, stomach and anywhere the wine spilled.I was so damn errotic.

I was so turned on. Soon my meewling turned into groans and all I could do was beg Sam to take me there and then. Well, he complied with my wishes and took me to the stars and the moons as he licked my core. He pushed in a finger and pumped me till I almost blacked out in pleasure. When the orgasm hit, I begged him to release me, but Sam didn't, he continued pumping as I groaned again and again, when finally I could take it no longer, I pushed him off me and straddled him. Kissing him on his mouth, I began to journey downwards. I kissed his pecs, his abs and finally reached my destination. I kissed him there and he jerked, I smiled like a cat and began licking him, he groaned and held me by my hair. I licked his nuts and took him deep into my mouth and gave him pleasure, loads of it, soon, he pulled me off him and onto him. He hugged me tight and rolled over me. Finally I welcomed him inside. It was heaven and hell, bliss and completion.


Panting and tired, we lay in each others arms as sleep took over us. We were awaiting the dawn of our new lives.........................



What do you think? He came back but she had to choose? was her choice right???

Lemme know what you think.....

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