Better Understanding Pt2, 8 (Long authors note SEMI-important)

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Anothr Filler chap, it may suck but I am sick and cant do much ;(


"Does every one know what to say if asked?" Belle's voice Bellowed through the house and I groaned in exhaustion as I nodded. The words were burned into my mind like a song on replay, I couldn't get them out if I wanted to. "Good," she said taking a bite of the cold French fry in her fingers. "Now go to bed and rest up. We leave at one." Vik groaned and looked at the clock.

"Since it's already two thirty a.m. I'm guessing you mean p.m.?" she asked through a yawn. Belle rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Of course now bed time children." she looked around and scowled at Danny as he was snoring softly on the over stuffed chair, his body close to the edge. "DANNY!" she yelled and he jolted from sleep only to fall onto the hardwood. He groaned then glared at Belle's smug smiling face. "next time don't fall asleep or it won't be pretty, I just might forget that this is suede." she said shrugging a she turned around and went for the guest room. Danny Glared after her and sighed.

"I might just forget it's suede." he mocked in a squeaky voice.

"I heard that Danny!" Belle yelled and Danny flinched, I chuckled and looked at Vik.

Her eyes were closed and her glasses were falling off her nose, soft snores escaping her mouth. I stood and lifted her tiny body in my arms cradling her against me, her arms snaked around my neck as she buried her face in the crook of my neck. I carried her to my room and set her on my bed gently, I took her glasses from her face and set them on my bedside table. I heard her whimper softly as she felt my loss.

"Don't leave me again Mickey." she whimpered through her soft cries. "I need you to save me." I looked at my best friend her cries growing louder the longer she felt my loss, I sat on the bed next to her and smoothed her hair. Her crying and whimpers stopped slowly as she clung to my waist, her head buried in my thigh.

Slowly I laid beside her and her face found its way buried into my neck again as her hands fisted my shirt, the remains of her tears slid down my neck and soaked into my shirt, but I could care less as long as she felt safe with me. She was one of the only things I had to live for now that I'd been rejected, stomped on, and broken.

She helped me find that friendship can turn into protection and fearless caring, she helped me figure out that life is worth living if you have friends that would die to protect you by your side.


A slight burn blinded me as the early afternoon sun shined in my face. Vik was groaning beside me tears flowing down her face leaving wet trails across her skin. I gripped her shoulder and shook her slightly, she shrieked as she rocketed from the bed more tears cascading down her face.

"P-Phoenix?" she whimpered, I leaned over close to her and wrapped her in my arms, I sat her in my lap and smoothed her hair.

"Shh it's ok Vik, I'm right here no one is going to hurt you." I kissed the top of her head softly and she gripped my tee shirt tightly, her soft cries hurt my ears and made want to cry along with her. I wanted to take away all of her pain and if I could I would take every ghost of her past and lock them away.

Five minutes passed and her cries turned into occasional whimpers and sniffles. What she said last night came to mind and curiosity took over, all the possibilities swirling in my mind. Who the hell was this Mickey person and why did they leave?

"Um Vik?"

"Yeah?" she sniffled and wiped a tear away.

"Who's Mickey?" she stiffened and she whimpered.

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