Chapter 17

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'393 Avenue' Nope wrong turn. I sigh in frustration as I turned on my heels and continued to look for anything I recognised. Trust me to get lost in my own town!

I couldn't stop thinking about what Austin said. The conversation was repeating in my head. "Everything and I have my ways" If he knows everything about me my life here will be ruined.

And no I'm not being over dramatic. Sure a lot of the kids here have had a rough past but mine is different, and when Austin leaks whatever he knows. Well lets just say it would be hell on Earth.

I kicked a few stones as I kept waking in the bitter cold breeze. Hands in my pockets and my head hung down trying to recall anything that has happened in the last twelve hours. I looked up at a street sign. '724'  I'm close.

I walked past the gates of my school, running my hand along the black spray painted metal gates which made constant clanging sounds and my hand vibrate and go almost numb.

I kept walking until I saw my dented street sign. I lifted my head and eyes my dark brown door with tinted windows. In no time I reached my door and opened it with ease for once. I closed the door behind me and lifted my head to be greeted with many pairs of eyes staring back at me. I forgot these guys were here!

Suddenly I remember a little segment from last night. I remember a slightly blurry Nash shouting and someone tugging at my wrist.

"KYLIE WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Nash yelled, "We've been scouting the town looking for you!" Jack Johnson said whilst sitting up from the couch. I ignored them and continued into the  kitchen where I grabbed a few advil pills from the top of the fridge and a water bottle. "Kylie Dallas I'm talking to you!" Nash said in then background.

"The new generation" I heard Carter mumble under his breath. I rolled my eyes and walked back into the main room where all the boys were whilst I drowned the pills in water. I sat in the now empty couch and looked at the guys who were all standing in front of me. Shawn came up to me and bent down to hug me. "I'm glad your safe" He whispered in my ear. I smiled and nodded as he let go and sat down next to me.

"Where were you?" Matt asked first

"Somewhere safe"

"Aren't you going to tell us where" Taylor asked. I repeated my answer.

"What the hell were you doing last night?" G asked me next.

I just shrugged my shoulders, "I cant remember" I plainly said.

Nash sighed. He knew it was going to be hard to get a straight answer. Aaron walked forward and gave me a burned piece of paper. I took it and examined it for a few minutes. Just staring at the burnt areas. Why did they give me a piece of burnt paper for? I placed it down on my lap and looked back up shrugging my shoulders.

"So you have no memory of last night" I shook my head and looked towards my interrogators.

"No use Nash. She's been interrogated by the police before. She isn't going to say anything" Cameron said not looking up from his phone.

Nash groaned. I could see how frustrated he was getting. There was a short silence until Nash spoke again "Give me your packets" He demanded stretching out his hands. I looked at him in surprise but I didn't say anything. I started to remember last night and what happened. I remember in detail: the smoke, the high, the photo, the mini argument and my burnt thumb which I hadn't noticed until now and me running out!  

"I saw you make off with one last night! Give me that one and all the others that you have stashed around the place!" Nash said pretty loudly.

"DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO NASH GRIER!" I yelled forgetting about my headache.

"AYE DONT TALK TO MY FRIENDS LIKE THAT!" Cameron yelled from the back of the room.

"Oh look who finally chipped in" I said shoving my hands in my pockets and turning my attention back to Nash

"I CAN TELL YOU WHAT TO DO KYLIE BECAUSE SOON YOU'LL BE LIVING WITH ME!" Nash yelled. My eyes widened and it felt as if I lost my voice.

"What?" I stuttered. The boys glared at Nash like he just revealed their huge secret.

There was a really long silence. No one dared to speak.

"Why are you here?" I said through gritted teeth. 

"Your moving to Cali with us" Hayes said quietly.


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