Chapter 12

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"Kylie?" I turned around to Hayes,

"Oh, um yeah lets get started, hit my hand"

I raised the palm of my hand up to shoulder height, facing Hayes as he did the same, just that he had gloves on. He was getting ready to punch but then he dropped his right hand.

"I cant hit a girl" I put my hands on my waist and gave him a playful glare.

"Come on, its a boxing lesson not a cat fight, those rules don't apply" he put both hands up in defeat, "I'm a gentlem-"

Before he could finish his sentence I punched him in his right hand softly. "one point for me" I smiled and aimed for his other hand. He tried to move out the way but I punched it just in time, "two points for me"

"No fair" he dragged out whilst pouting, "Awe, is little Haysies a sore loser" I chuckled.

"Three points fo-" I aimed for his stomach but he moved out the way and touched my cheek with his fist gently, "Not so fast little lady, I believe that's my point" He smiled.

I rolled my eyes playfully "Well played Benjamin. But I believe I'm still ahead"

"How about we make this competition a bit more interesting. Just a bit"

"Okay, what do you have in mind?"

"First up to fifteen wins. If I win. I give you a forfeit"

I chuckle slightly "And If I win you do my next shift at the diner if your still in town"

"Hmmm" He rested his chin on his glove, but before I new it I felt the cold fabric gently hit my body once again, "Your on. And would you look at that, we're tied"

We both laugh and attempt to 'attack' each other but as we were doing it I called for a truce every once in a while to show him different punches and how to do them properly by holding his wrist and leading him into the punches. And surprisingly he let me help him and even more surprisingly he caught on really fast.

Sometimes I would stop and grab one of those pad things and he would punch them as hard as he could. It actually surprised me how strong he was. Yes he looks a lot different from the last time I saw him but I thought he was still that cutie who wouldn't hurt a single breathing thing when it was unnecessary.

It was our five minute break and I grabbed two waters from the back room. As I walked back into the hall Hayes was sitting cross legged on the floor attempting to get the boxing gloves off. I smiled to myself. He looked do adorable.

I sat down on the floor next to him and put the plastic water bottles to the side.

"Here let me help" I shuffled closer to him and untied the ties of the left glove. I could feel his eyes on me but I didn't want to look up. So I kept working at freeing his hands. I have to admit I do like Hayes but nothing big. I mean sure he's cute and sweet and overly amazing and very good looking and I do slightly get butterflies when I'm around him but that doesn't mean that I like him. Right?

"Okay nine - seven, your not doing so hot are you Kye" Hayes said smugly. I gained the courage to look up at him. Out faces were dangerously close which made me feel some type of way.

"It surprises me more then you. How are you so strong all of a sudden?" I took of his last glove and placed them both on the side. He smiled and grabbed the water I gave him. I went and grabbed mine and leaned back against the wall.

"Well" He said smugly. Oh boy here we go. "These guns are just natural you know" He said flexing

"Those are the smallest guns I've ever seen" I slapped his arms away from my face, he put his hand over his heart and tried to look offended.

"Hey watch it sweetie. My guns could kill" He attempted at a thick Southern accent.

"You don't need to put on a Southern accent. You're already a red neck" I joked

"I'll have you know I was born in New York. I'm an East Coaster" He tried a New Yorkern accent but that failed miserably and cause me to almost die of laughter.

"I don't know why your laughing. You Valley girl" He clicked his fingers. When my laughter died down I could finally string a sentence together.

"Born in Cali but grew up in Virginia"

"Yet you don't have any of those accents"

"The world works in mysterious ways" I took a sip of my water.

"Born a New Yorker, grew up in Carolina and Virginia" He stated proudly

"New Yorker or not, you still sound like a Southerner"

We started to talking about the randomness things like we used to but then Alex came up to us, "Hey Kylie where are the spare duffle bags? Mario needs them and he's gonna kill me if Ive lost them"

"In the back room behind the door"

"But I checked there" He dragged out

"Well check again" I mocked his voice. He ran into the back room and before I could go back to talking to Hayes he yelled out, "THANK GOD THEY'RE HERE. LOVE YOU KYLIE"

I smiled and looked over to Hayes who was glaring at his water bottle, "Are you and him dating?" he says almost with out any emotion.


He nodded making a small humming sound with his voice

"Nah, we're basically siblings"

"But the way he wrapped his arms around you, it kinda looked liked you were dating"

"He's pretty protective. Why, does it bother you" he grabs my hand and stands up. Lifting me up in the process.

"Lets carry on. I'm winning remember" he hopped from foot to foot holding up his fists. He obviously wants to forget about it so I'll let it slide for now.

"Do you want the gloves on"

"If you don't need them. I don't need them"

.   .   .

"How the hell did you beat me?!" I say taking a drink of water.

"What did I tell you. These guns can kill" he started to flex again.

"So what's my forfeit" I raised my eyebrow.

He walked closer to me and touched the tip of my nose, "Wait and see princess" I rolled my eyes and he stuck his tongue out at me. Oh the anticipation.

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE HUDDLE UP" the one and only Mario yelled.

"TIME FOR A PROPER RING FIGHT" He yelled as we all took seats on the bleachers.


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