Chapter 3

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Cameron's POV

The door locked and I put my phone back into my pocket "why are we in this shithole again?" I ask no one in particular, "because we have to take her back with us" Aaron says looking around the house. I rolled my eyes and went upstairs, "where the hell are you going?" JJ asked whilst he followed me to the bottom of the stairs.

"Well if we're staying here might as well look around" I say in a duh tone, the guys shruged there shoulders and followed me hesitantly. There wasn't much upstairs but let me tell you it looked crapier then downstairs! There was just a bathroom, an empty ugly ass guest room and her room. The walls weren't painted and they had a few holes, that cunt probably threw something at them.

I walked towards her room and hesitated for a few seconds to open the door. There was a few long slits going Probably that knife. "Maybe we shouldn't go in there, I mean, Kylie's still a girl and girls need privacy" Gilinsky held my wrist. I pushed him away and shrugged. I'm not scared of a fifteen year old girl!  

I forcefully open the door and damn, her bedroom was... well first of all she slept on a mattress which was placed in the floor, most of the walls were concrete except for one which had dark coloured spray paint messily sprawled across it. Spray paint cans and empty bottles were scattered around. She had an open draw full of old looking clothes and next to her mattress was a bedside table with boxing stuff and a baseball bat under it and on the actual table she had a book and pen.

Being the cute curious me I went over to the book and flicked through the pages. There wasn't much just a page with a sentence in the middle. It was in capitals which was normal for Kylie. She always wrote in capitals. It read;


I looked up and saw the boys with anger and sadness laced in their facial expressions. I shut the book and put it down as the boys darted their attention towards me. I started to laugh "wow I would feel sorry for her if she wasn't a complete bitch" I chuckled. Matt walked up to me and pushed me into the cold wall with so much force that little specs crumbled around me. 


"Because she deserves it"   

"WHAT THE HELL DID SHE DO TO YOU?" Matt pushed me harder into the wall. I was a bit intimidated because Matt was scary when he was mad but I didn't let that get to me. I at least didn't want him to know that It's getting to me.

"You don't know her like I do. She's an ATTENTION WHORE! She brought all this on herself, look when we lived together she was such a disrespectful whore. Plus she's overdramatic, she ran away over nothing!"

We were interrupted by Hayes sobbing on the stairs and Shawn there with his hand over Hayes' back. "She d-d-d-doesn't remember me" Hayes softly stuttered. Matt glared at me before letting go of my shirt and walking away. I shuffled over to Hayes, when he saw me he stood up, grabbed the collar of my shirt and pushed me against the wall with a loud thud. Why does everyone so that? "YOU CHANGED HER" he yelled at me. "YOU DID THIS SHIT TO HER. YOU RUINED MY BEST FRIENDS LIFE!" he raised his fists, I flinched but Nash grabbed Hayes and led him downstairs to calm down.

What did I do wrong? 

I awkwardly checked the time to avoid any eye contact. 11:23.p.m. "Well I'm going to bed" I mumbled. I walk over to Kylies sorry excuse for a bed and made myself comfortable. "Why are you taking her bed?" Gilinsky said looked over to me. "Its not a huge loss. I mean look at it" I gestured for all the boys to leave. Everyone rolled their eyes and gave me evil glares before they left. And I'm pretty sure I heard JJ whisper something unpleasant but I flipped them off and went to sleep.

Ugh, thanks to Kylie everyone's against me. Once again she ruined my life, so thanks for everything Kylie!   

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