His eyes widened even more as I continued, "I need your help to get her, and in exchange, I've talked Vice into turning a blind eye to your bullshit.... for a while."

He was down without a question. The plan was for him to go on the Ave and pick up Kayjah. I didn't think he really would, but as I watched him get her into his truck, my mouth started to salivate with the chance of finally getting this bitch.

And here we were. I had my eyes on Kayjah as he exited the truck. I couldn't wait to put handcuffs on this bitch. The thought had just ran across my mind, This was easier than I thought, when I heard Santana say as he walked to the back of the truck, "She grabbed my gun."


I eyed Kayjah as she sat in the car nonchalantly. I eyed Shay as she stood on the other side of the driver's side door with her gun drawn as well. I was inconspicuously placed a few feet behind the passenger side window.

I didn't want her to hear or see me because she would recognize even my voice, but time was up.

As soon as I spat out the order, "Put your hands up, Kayjah! Put the fucking gun down!" I saw Shay tense up.

"Don't shoot!" I told her. Death was too easy for Kayjah. She didn't deserve to get away with all of the shit she'd done by dying. She needed to live miserably behind bars with women that shoved pointed objects up her ass because they hated her for killing a pregnant woman and a baby.

"Put your hands up, and get out of the fucking car, Kayjah!" The longer she took, that antsier I got. I knew that she was inside of that car trying to plot an escape route in that birdbrain of hers.

Just as I was about to snatch the door open, it opened itself, Kayjah's hands appeared first and then her bare feet and legs. Out came a woman that I hardly recognized.

Gone was the woman with expensive weave and designer clothes. She looked poor. Beyond the synthetic wig and cheap clothes, she looked tired. When she stood in front of me and laid eyes on me, a smirk fell across her lips as she recognized me.

With my gun pointed at her, I inched towards her. It alarmed me as she inched away.

"It's over, Kayjah." I told her. "Put your hands behind your back."

Her arms moved, but not in submission. She swiftly reached into her cleavage. I wondered what for for only a few seconds before I seen the handle of a Smith & Wesson.

"Gun!" I heard Shae shriek as I reluctantly pulled the trigger.


My heart broke as I watched Kayjah's forehead split open just before her body hit the ground.

Shit! I cursed inside of my head. I grimaced when I realized what I had done, what I had to do. My heart went out for August. For every one of her victims.

Out of my peripheral, I saw Shay comung towards the curb where Kayjah lay with blood spilling from her wound. I walked a bit closer, kicking the Smith & Wesson a few feet away. But there was no more alarm.

Kayjah Woods was dead.



I was waiting for the moment that I lost it; for that moment I took my own life, because living without him was like not living at all.

Ironically, as I lay on the floor in my bedroom, I could hear my sister's tears throughout the house. She was crying just as hard as I was.

She was in just as much pain, and it sounded like her heart was just as broken. What was even more ironic was that I had helped Jared run from this. I helped him run from any punishment for his involvement in Teyanna's death. I thought he was innocent because of his troubled past.

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