Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

"I'm not positive," He started, making Alexander narrow his eyes, "But there were rumors about a man in Chicago. He volunteers at a children's hospital and there's this video of him on YouTube doing something... odd."

"Odd." I echoed flatly.

"Odd," Vladimir responded, "I'll bring it up on my phone." He took out a touch screen phone from his pocket, to which I snorted as a response. Vladimir cocked his brow at me cheekily before he went back to bringing up the video. Once it was up, we had to lean over as held up the small phone.

The video was a bit unfocused, but it was obviously a man entertaining a group of children at the hospital. He was of average height, somewhere between five seven and five ten with a dark mop of hair pinned back from his smiling face and dark eyes. He was telling the kids a story when he held his hand out to one of the teddy bears a child was holding. The teddy bear shot up and flew across the room into his arms. The children squealed with laughter, clapping their hands excitedly.

"You sure that wasn't a string or anything or the child didn't toss it?" I asked, even though I had just seen it with my own eyes. There wasn't the glint of a string or even the slightest sign the child threw it. Her arms were clapped in front of her around the teddy bear that wedged itself out of her arms and into the man's.

"What's his name?" Alexander asked with a frown. Vladimir scrolled to the comments, eyes scanning.

"Says his name is Misha Greene. He volunteers every Sunday and Monday at the children's hospital and when he's not doing that, he's selling TVs at Best Buy." He read with a frown. I scoffed.

"Well, he sounds absolutely fascinating. Is he human?" I asked. Vladimir shook his head and took a snapshot of the video, then zoomed in on Misha's mouth in the middle of one of his laughs. Sure enough, a pair of fangs glinted just barely.

"He's a vampire then." I deadpanned. And oh how my species has fallen. Volunteer work? Best Buy? Even Alaric had a better job and his was whoring around and cutting deals with strangers. Of course, there might be something about him we don't know and there was only one way to find out. However, no sooner had the idea crossed my mind did Alexander glare at me.

"Oh no, you are not going after him. First of all, you don't have the proper supplies. Second, the entire world is hunting you down and he could get killed in the process. Or worse when they find out what he can do. No, I'd feel safer if we sent Claude and Kristopjhe." He said, turning to Vladimir now. I scowled.

"Why do you care what happens to me? And I'll have Xed with me. We'll be fine." I insisted. Alexander gave me an annoyed frown, folding his arms over his chest as he faced me.

"Are you fine now?" He demanded. I raised an eyebrow.


"Because you're here," Alexander snapped in irritation, "With Vladimir, where it's safe. Look, Claude and Kristophe are really good at sneaking around. Trust me, they somehow manage to show up right when I need them."

"Then why aren't they showing up now?" I pressed. Alexander blushed. Vladimir smirked, pushing off the counter top and giving Alexander a peck on the cheek before he glanced at me.

"Really think you can get him here without getting him killed?" He asked. Alexander gave him a look of disbelief, but didn't argue. He just glared at me. I ignored it and looked at Vladimir, determined.

"Absolutely. I got Starling here in one piece, didn't I?" I asked. Vladimir shrugged at that and gave Alexander a look that said he was seriously considering sending me after Misha. Alexander grimaced, rubbing a hand up and down his arm nervously.

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