Chapter 34: Twisted Ties

Start from the beginning

Dipper slightly smiled at her, "Don't worry me Wendy, I'm tota-" Dipper began to cough over and over again.

"Why! Kid why'd you do it?!" Stanely asked suddenly with tears forming in his eyes.

"Cause your my grunkle Stan...without you there wouldn't be a family without you..." Dipper smiled again.

Ford sighed and watched Dipper, worried. "Move out of the way everyone!" He said as he pushed through and picked up Dipper, carrying him on his back.

"I'm taking him back to the lab! He needs a lot of treatment!" Ford shouted.

Everyone nodded. "W-wait! Please! Someone needs to go find Mabel and (y/n). I haven't seen then all d-day!" Dipper said worried.

"Okay me and Soos will go!" Wendy said. "Stan and Ford take care of Dipper till we get back. We all will meet at the shack!"

Everyone nodded again.

"W-wendy, be careful!" Dip said.

Wendy smiled and nodded. "I will Dipper."

(Y/n's) POV

"Oh cheese! How is it that you know where the kitchen is and not the exit?!" I said sighing.

Will chuckled, "I guess human food has taken a liking to me." He then pulled out a cupcake from the fridge and tasted the icing.

"I can see you like sweets..." I said.

"Huh! Who told you that!" Will hid the cupcake behind his back.

I pointed at the cupcake, "My point exactly."

Will blushed slightly.

I giggled, "Aww don't worry Will we all got secrets to keep."

Will agreed and brought me a plate with a cover on the top of it. Wondering what was inside and on the plate.

"Bon appetit! Mademoiselle!" Will pulled away the cover, revealing Speghetti.

"Ooo, pasta how nice and classy!" I chuckled.

Will smiled and blushed a little at me.

"You know I've never met the other you before..." He replied.

"Huh? Other me? What are you talking about?" I looked at him confused.

Will was just about to continue talking, until he was interrupted.

"(Y/n)! Your up I see!" Out came Mabel dressed in a shooting-star tank top and wore black jeans.


"I was so worried that you wouldn't wake up!" She ran over to hugged me.

But instead, I pushed her away slowly... 'That's right, I still remember what happened and what she did..' I thought.

"(Y/n)?" Mabel said in a low and worried tone.

"How can you be so normal with this?? brought me here and expect me to be normal with everything?!" I blurted out.

Mabel made a casual smile and sighed. "(Y/n), I know your confused about everything that's happened. But I promise you its for a reason. I mean I didn't believe everything either, but I listened to my heart and followed what others told me."

I looked at Mabel a little confused then nodded. "Jeez, I really don't wanna be mad at just tell me straight, what happened and we'll leave it as that."

Mabel jumped and hugged me, "Hooray! Well for starters Bill is trying to create a portal to another world I think. He told me that he's gonna save someone precious to him."

Mabel made a pouty and worried face to me.

"Hmm, save who? And what's with that face!" I asked at her.

"Aren't you a little jealous that Bill actually has someone he cares about?! I mean come on the two of you almost hit it off! The human and the nacho! I still love it secretly!" Mabel giggled.

"Mabel! Shut it!" I groaned.

*crunching sounds*

I turned around and saw Will eating some cook lobster. "Oh yeah, I forgot Will was here."

"Oh I see you've met the good and cute version of Bill. Hi, Will." Mabel said waving.

"Sorry, I was just only here eating and listening to your conversation." Will said taking another bite in his lobster.

I chuckled. "Okay Mabel, I was gonna leave this place, but instead I want you to take me to Bill, please. After all Will has horrible senses of direction, well except going to the kitchen."

"Alright! Let's go!" Mabel grabbed my hand and grabbed Will by the collar of his shirt.

"W-wait! W-what about my lobster! Ahhhh!" Will cried out.

(So sorry for the major late update guys. Been very busy with school and my birthday is arriving soon! Yay! Wheeee! I'm so happy! I got midterms coming up and I can't afford to lose any time. Well I got free time to type....actually its 1:00 a.m. crap I hot school in the morning!

Questions for the week: Since your all apart of wattpad how old are you and who do you ship with Bill or Will cipher?! Please answer honesty! Bai hai have a good one!)

Abducted by my Lover (Bill Cipher X Reader X Dipper Pines)Where stories live. Discover now