Liz's Confrontation

Start from the beginning

"How can I calm down," Liz continue to yell, "I haven't heard from you in two freak'n days after you left the party with Kevin. Then I texted you like crazy yesterday but you never answer me back. I thought something might have happen to you."

"I didn't even realize you text me, I don't think I got them. Let me check." Liz still on the line I open my messages and check to see if I did indeed receive any messages from Liz. Just like she said, I had over 20 new messages from her. Most of them consisted of, "where are you, answer the damn messages, you better be alive girl or I'll kill you." I laugh while scanning through them, Liz is truly the best. "Liz I'm sorry it's my fault, somehow I must have miss your messages. It might be because I didn't have my phone on me at all yesterday."

"Yesterday? What happen yesterday?"

"A lot of thing have happen these past few days, just not yesterday." I answer walking downstairs to the kitchen. I grab a bagel and spread the cream cheese on it.

"Care to tell me about it?"

After a long pause I finally replied, "Liz I got confess to by Ke-"

"Stop right there," Liz shouted through the phone, "I'll be there in 15 minutes."

"Wait Liz-"I heard a beep noise and the call ended. When Liz puts her mind to something it's going to happen and by the way the phone call ended I'm 110% sure that we will have a lot of talking to do today. Thank god I finish my project and homework during the week, as stress as I have been with my personal life, school is the farthest thing from my mind. Finishing my bagel I made myself a big cup of hot coco and headed to the living room. Since I was waiting for Liz to get here anyways I might as well enjoy the 5 minutes I have left before the storm hits.

Thank god my parents are not home to hear about my problems. They were out of town for the whole week. They left this morning to go visit my grandparents in California, I wanted to go but I had school. One positive outcome to this is I have the whole place to myself.

I have just put on one of my favorite movie, The Heat, when I heard the front door banging. I guess Liz is here, sometimes I wish she would just use the doorbell. I open the door to a Liz dress in sweat pants like my own and a green sweater. Even in plain clothes she still looks gorgeous. "Liz you do know we have a door bell right?"

"I know but using fists works the same. However that doesn't matter right now, we need to talk right now." Liz barged into my house and head to the living room. Sighing to myself I close the door behind me.

I grab a bottle of water from the fridge before heading to the living room. I hand the drink to Liz, "Did you want anything else to drink." I was hoping she would say yes that way I could stall a bit before we really start talking.

"Sit down Kou, and stop stalling for time. I want to hear everything." She said patting the seat next to her on the couch. I guess I can't get out of this one. Dragging my feet I flop myself besides her staring aimlessly at the movie playing. "Kou, I'm waiting."

I turn to face her completely, "Do you really want to know?"

"Of course I do, you don't even have to ask."

"Fine" I huff throwing my hands up, "If you really want to know, on Friday I went home early because not only did random drunk guy try to hit me but Kevin my best friend confess to me."

"Wait what, someone hit you at the party? Who the hell was that bastard? How dare he do something like that to you, you're not hurt are you." Liz move closer and started fussing around me trying to see if I had a bruise or not.

"Stop Liz," I held up both my hands stopping her, "I'm fine. He didn't get a chance to hit me, luckily Kevin saved me in time and took me away. But you did hear me right, that Kevin confess to me."

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