Waiting for her

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Hello fellow readers,

So my long winter break has finally come to an end. That means I won't be writing as much nor updating any time soon. I'm sorry but school comes first. I promise to write as much as I can when I have time.

Hopefully this would be a good chapter to leave off with.

Until next time.


Kevin's POV

The wind blew slightly causing me to shiver. My desire to get up from the front porch and go home was strong, but I resisted. You may be wondering why I'm even sitting here freezing my butt off when I can should be in my bed covered in warm blankets or watching a movie right now. Kou is the reason why I'm out here in the cold. It seems that Kou not only forgot her phone but she's together with Nate right now.

When I woke up this morning Kou was the first person on my mind as well as my confession for her last night. Yet I wanted to see her more than anything and was anxious to hear her lovely voice in the morning. I guess this is what happens when you're in love, everything appears brighter and the world just seems like a better place in general. However to my disappointment Kou was not home and to make it worst she was with Nate of all people.

Ms. Ami told me Kou had left this morning to go see Nate so they could work on their project. I was disappointed that I wouldn't be able to see her this morning but I made sure I was home when she got back. Todd even text me if I wanted to hang out this afternoon, but I turned him down because I didn't know when Kou would get back. When she didn't come home by 2:00 I was starting to worry. I texted and called Kou but she didn't answer. I even went over to her house to check to see if she was home in case I didn't see her come back. Ms. Ami told me Kou was still gone and that she forgot her phone on the kitchen table this morning when she was in a hurry to leave. I became more frustrated, that means I wouldn't be able to text her to see how her day was going so far.

Honestly I just miss her. I know I just saw her yesterday yet I feel so incomplete when she's not near me.

I mean how long does a simple English project take? Kou has been working on this presentation for what seemed like forever. She practically meets Nate about every other day to work on this darn presentation. Instead of allowing myself to become more frustrated I decided to wait for her to come back, I mean as much as Nate and I don't get along I know that if she's with Nate at least she's in good hands. So I decided to distract myself with some homework and some studying as I waited.

By the time I finish my school work and my chores it was already dark outside. I check my phone for the time and was surprise that it was already 8pm. I knew that Kou couldn't be home because I ask Ms. Ami earlier to tell Kou to come over to my place whenever she got home.

Now I'm starting to get a little worried that something might have happened. It's even worse that I couldn't call her due to the fact that she didn't have her phone on her. I can't even call Nate because I don't even have his number.

I also didn't want to keep going over to bother Ms. Ami. So here I am sitting on my porch and waiting for Kou. I couldn't wait inside my house because my living room window was facing the opposite side of Kou's house. I need to know she was alright and if I saw her with my own two eyes then maybe I would stop worrying so much. I have been waiting for over an hour now, yet I wouldn't let myself go inside until I saw her come home safety. Apart of me knew I was being stubborn but when it comes to Kou I'm more stubborn then I have ever been.

I looked up into the night sky and saw the beautiful full moon that seem to hang in the sky. The moon reminded me of Kou. It was simple yet so enchanting and beautiful. Just thinking about her made my heart swell with yearning. I reach my hand to the moon and imaginarily clutch it within my hands. It was so close yet so far away, exactly like Kou's heart.

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